Jason had his body against the hard, rocky wall of the trench. He stared at his five other comrades. he saw one flicking pebbles, while the others seemly listened to the wailing of shots and bombs. he spoke quietly to one of them. "When do you think Commander Rufus will give the signal for the strike?" One of the troopers looked up. "Who kows?" He answered back. Jason sighed. An hour or so passed, and bullets became louder and closer. They all listened in, and got ready. Jason and two others looked over the trench. A bullet zipped past him. And a soldier next to him fell back. A shot between the eyes. Someone shouted. Jason got his rifle ready. He got out of the trench among with the remaining others. About a mile away from the trench, he got in a crouching position. He got the rifle ready, and aimed for any enemy troops. He spotted about fourteen. "AK's!" Jason shouted. Before releasing the trigger. he struck one of the guys in the chest. Sending him to the ground. He heard about five shots being shot around him. He released another shot. This time hitting one in the head. he heard the sound of tanks, and looked up. He was right, tanks. About two of them. Jason inhaled deeply. He closed his eyes.
lawl, this just popped in my head... so don't go all "this is crappy".
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