Earrings... boys... and girls!
Yesterday, Sunday morning, I went out and bought the awesomest earrings ever in spirit of Guitar Hero. They are winged guitars! So I took a picture of my totally awesome earrings, and sent them to my friends (since they wanted pictures of every minute of my life while they were skiiing in Austria with our weirdo English teacher, Mr. Ploss). Anyways, I then drew a picture of one of my characters from my story for an art contest, and it was pretty good, better than I expected. And I lost. I mean, I can accept failure, but the person who won had a very suckish drawing. I mean, why did he win? Everyone said it was bad! But you know what? I then realized, he was closer to the leader of the group than me. So I guess the world is never fair. :O
Community Member
i have a pair of earrings which is a guitar and a pick. :3