A little conversation I had with dark_spirit! It was alot of fun!
oofuchibioo: yo
oofuchibioo: hello?
dark_spirit12987634: set/color indigo
oofuchibioo: nice
dark_spirit12987634: GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dark_spirit12987634: IT WORKS!
oofuchibioo: nice
oofuchibioo: of course it works!
dark_spirit12987634: you dont know how many times i've tried that......
oofuchibioo: *laughs*
dark_spirit12987634: brb
oofuchibioo: kk
dark_spirit12987634: back!
oofuchibioo: ^_^
dark_spirit12987634: im waiting on sum cheese sticks!
oofuchibioo: nice
dark_spirit12987634: heck yes!
dark_spirit12987634: I SAW THE THING!
oofuchibioo: -_-;
oofuchibioo: what thing?
dark_spirit12987634: THE KNOCK KNOCK THING!
oofuchibioo: oh
dark_spirit12987634: =3
oofuchibioo: it's good, huh?
dark_spirit12987634: >:B
oofuchibioo: OMP!!!
dark_spirit12987634: hehehehehehe I love that face, in the spider one!
oofuchibioo: yep!
dark_spirit12987634: >:<
oofuchibioo: Pein san?!
dark_spirit12987634: yup!
oofuchibioo: ^-^
dark_spirit12987634: =D
oofuchibioo: >_,
oofuchibioo: oops
oofuchibioo: >_<
dark_spirit12987634: O.o
dark_spirit12987634: ,_<
dark_spirit12987634: hehehehehe
dark_spirit12987634: >_,
oofuchibioo: -_-;
dark_spirit12987634: hehehehehehehehehehehehehe
dark_spirit12987634: X3
oofuchibioo: nice
dark_spirit12987634: brb(again!)
oofuchibioo: kk
oofuchibioo: Sai's drawings look funny! =3
oofuchibioo: And he draws fast.
dark_spirit12987634: back and hey do!
dark_spirit12987634: *thay
dark_spirit12987634: *they
oofuchibioo: nice
oofuchibioo: hey do?
dark_spirit12987634: ^-^;
oofuchibioo: nice!
oofuchibioo: I wish I could draw that fast
dark_spirit12987634: yummy! cheeeeeeeeeessssssse! XD
oofuchibioo: -_-;
oofuchibioo: Sai looks like such a girl!
dark_spirit12987634: (s)he is a girl!
oofuchibioo: NICE!
dark_spirit12987634: =)
oofuchibioo: his lil smile looks funny
oofuchibioo: I bet he smells
oofuchibioo: that would be funny!
dark_spirit12987634: -_-;
oofuchibioo: ^_^
dark_spirit12987634: Gina need to hurry up,I only have an hour and a half left!
oofuchibioo: O_o
dark_spirit12987634: ?
oofuchibioo: nothing
dark_spirit12987634: .......
dark_spirit12987634: TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oofuchibioo: . . . . . . . . . . .
oofuchibioo: EVEN I DON'T KNOW!
oofuchibioo: .............
oofuchibioo: hello?
dark_spirit12987634: ?
oofuchibioo: oh, sorry.
dark_spirit12987634: then why were you all like O.O
oofuchibioo: um...
oofuchibioo: The amount of time you have left?
dark_spirit12987634: oh....
oofuchibioo: biggrin
dark_spirit12987634: and whats so O.o about it/
dark_spirit12987634: *?
oofuchibioo: I dunno
oofuchibioo: this is kinda pointless
dark_spirit12987634: yeah it is........
oofuchibioo: *nodz*
dark_spirit12987634: are you going to kneel down and cry as a rock thing eats you?
oofuchibioo: HUH?
dark_spirit12987634: sorry sorry!
oofuchibioo: OMG, SAI IS PERVERTED!!!
dark_spirit12987634: T-T
dark_spirit12987634: I wANNA RP!
oofuchibioo: me too
dark_spirit12987634: NOT WAIT FOE GINA!
oofuchibioo: ya
dark_spirit12987634: so many type os!
dark_spirit12987634: foe......
oofuchibioo: GAWD, SAI, THAT LITTLE...
dark_spirit12987634: O.O
dark_spirit12987634: what bin a perv again?
dark_spirit12987634: being
dark_spirit12987634: *
oofuchibioo: *juice
dark_spirit12987634: O.O
oofuchibioo: >_<***************8
oofuchibioo: oops
dark_spirit12987634: i dont think anyone would drink that juice.......
oofuchibioo: OF COURSE THEY WOULDN'T!!!
dark_spirit12987634: O.O
oofuchibioo: YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT!
dark_spirit12987634: the toilet wouldnt get very clean......
oofuchibioo: nice
oofuchibioo: well, then...
oofuchibioo: HE'D BE A NEW KIND OF POISON!!!
dark_spirit12987634: rat poison!
oofuchibioo: YES!
dark_spirit12987634: for Yuki!
oofuchibioo: YES!!!
dark_spirit12987634: ^ -^
dark_spirit12987634: -_0;
dark_spirit12987634: GAH!
dark_spirit12987634: I CANT ESCAPE THEM!
oofuchibioo: OH NOES!!!
dark_spirit12987634: THE TYPE-OS!
dark_spirit12987634: you know what!?!
oofuchibioo: what?
dark_spirit12987634: Im not waiting anymore!
dark_spirit12987634: we should do a new RP!
oofuchibioo: O.O
oofuchibioo: I SPIT ON SAI!!!
dark_spirit12987634: we should start a different one!
dark_spirit12987634: without Gina!
oofuchibioo: AND HE USES IT AS SHAMPOO!!!
dark_spirit12987634: spit?
oofuchibioo: YES!!!
dark_spirit12987634: WTZF?!?!
dark_spirit12987634: *wtf
oofuchibioo: ^_6
oofuchibioo: oops
oofuchibioo: ^_^
dark_spirit12987634: so what do you say?
oofuchibioo: um...
dark_spirit12987634: start a new RP?
oofuchibioo: I don't know...
oofuchibioo: maybe
oofuchibioo: OK!
dark_spirit12987634: YAY!
dark_spirit12987634: so who are you?
oofuchibioo: OMP, SAI HAS PROBLEMS!!!
oofuchibioo: um, Asako
dark_spirit12987634: STOP WATCHING THAT!
dark_spirit12987634: and I knew that!
oofuchibioo: but...
oofuchibioo: I WANNA!
dark_spirit12987634: =(
dark_spirit12987634: > sad
dark_spirit12987634: OKAY!
oofuchibioo: ^_6
oofuchibioo: oops!
oofuchibioo: ^_^
dark_spirit12987634: I'll be......
oofuchibioo: CURSE THE TYPE-OS!!!
oofuchibioo: kk
dark_spirit12987634: go to: http://s151.photobucket.com/albums/s129/dark_spirit12987634/?action=view¤t=13.jpg
dark_spirit12987634: her name is......
oofuchibioo: kk
oofuchibioo: what is it?
dark_spirit12987634: um.....
dark_spirit12987634: Hiyori
oofuchibioo: Hiyori? ok!
dark_spirit12987634: okay! so what the setting?
oofuchibioo: um... BEACH!
dark_spirit12987634: ?
dark_spirit12987634: okay?
oofuchibioo: beach!
oofuchibioo: yay!
dark_spirit12987634 leaves the chat.
oofuchibioo: WHAT???!!!
dark_spirit12987634 enters the chat.
oofuchibioo: OMP, WHERE WERE YOU?
dark_spirit12987634: sorry....
dark_spirit12987634: server
oofuchibioo: it's ok
dark_spirit12987634: now lets begin!
oofuchibioo: kk!
oofuchibioo: what was her name again?
dark_spirit12987634: Hiyori?
oofuchibioo: oh ya!
dark_spirit12987634: okay!
oofuchibioo: okay!
dark_spirit12987634: *hiyori was walking along a beach, the sand squshing inbtween her toes*
dark_spirit12987634: ( bare feet!)
oofuchibioo: *Asako walked on he rocks-and then tripped onto her face*
oofuchibioo: OW!
dark_spirit12987634: nice!))
oofuchibioo: THAT HURT!
dark_spirit12987634: *hiyori heard someone yell and she slowly walked to the sound*
dark_spirit12987634: (or talk loudly)
dark_spirit12987634: um hello?
oofuchibioo: WHO'S THERE
oofuchibioo: ?!
dark_spirit12987634: ah! um!
dark_spirit12987634: *hiyori quickly walked over to the person*
oofuchibioo: who are you?
dark_spirit12987634: Ah!
dark_spirit12987634: I-Im Hiyori Hirako!
oofuchibioo: yo
oofuchibioo: um...
dark_spirit12987634: *hiyori bowed*
oofuchibioo: So what do you want?
dark_spirit12987634: well I herd you um.......fall and I though you could use some assistance!
dark_spirit12987634: *heard
oofuchibioo: oh
oofuchibioo: well, my face does hurt...
dark_spirit12987634: OH! your face!
oofuchibioo: YES! MY FACE!
dark_spirit12987634: YOUR HURT! oh um.....AH!
dark_spirit12987634: *freaks out*
oofuchibioo: ?
oofuchibioo: what the?
dark_spirit12987634: IS THAT BLOOD!?!
oofuchibioo: huh/
dark_spirit12987634: *faints*
oofuchibioo: *?
oofuchibioo: Oh...
oofuchibioo: Um, I should take care of her...
dark_spirit12987634: @.@
oofuchibioo: *Asako picked her up, and carried her to her beach house*
dark_spirit12987634: a beach house?!? whoa!))
oofuchibioo: yep!
oofuchibioo: ))
oofuchibioo: um))
dark_spirit12987634: ........)
dark_spirit12987634: )
oofuchibioo: oh, sorry))
dark_spirit12987634: ?-?))
oofuchibioo: *Asako opened the door, went in, and put Hiyori onto a couch*
dark_spirit12987634: nuh
dark_spirit12987634: *hiyori blinked open her eyes*
oofuchibioo: Are you finally waking up?
dark_spirit12987634: AH!
dark_spirit12987634: *hiyori looks around franticly*
dark_spirit12987634: w-where am I?
oofuchibioo: *Asako held up a cup*
oofuchibioo: I made some tea
oofuchibioo: You're at my place
dark_spirit12987634: *hiyori grabs the cup slowly*
dark_spirit12987634: oh um.....
dark_spirit12987634: thank you
oofuchibioo: no prob.
dark_spirit12987634: *hiyori takes a small sip of the tea*
oofuchibioo: *it tasted like spinach*
dark_spirit12987634: O.O
dark_spirit12987634: >.<
oofuchibioo: ?
oofuchibioo: something wrong/
oofuchibioo: *?
dark_spirit12987634: eh!?! oh! um nothing!
oofuchibioo: ^_^
dark_spirit12987634: Hiyori is too polite to really say anything offencive......))
oofuchibioo: that's nice!))
dark_spirit12987634: *nidz*))
dark_spirit12987634: *nodz
oofuchibioo: ?))
oofuchibioo: oh))
dark_spirit12987634: ^ -^ wink )
oofuchibioo: ^_^))
dark_spirit12987634: thank you for your hospitalitly(sp?) but Im must really be going!
dark_spirit12987634: *hiyori stands up*
oofuchibioo: wait, don't go!
dark_spirit12987634: *i
dark_spirit12987634: ?
oofuchibioo: Please stay!
dark_spirit12987634: oh! If you insistce(i really cant spell....)
oofuchibioo: yeah))
oofuchibioo: *Asako smiled*
dark_spirit12987634: thanks!))
oofuchibioo: ?))
dark_spirit12987634: nvm!))
oofuchibioo: oh))
dark_spirit12987634: *hiyori sat back down*
oofuchibioo: *Asako brought out a plate of cookies*
oofuchibioo: *chocolate cookies*
dark_spirit12987634: O.O
dark_spirit12987634: coooooooooooooooooookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oofuchibioo: nice))
dark_spirit12987634: XD
oofuchibioo: *Asako ate one*
dark_spirit12987634: she has a weakness for cookies!))
oofuchibioo: nice))
dark_spirit12987634: oh! *ahem* excuse my behavior........
oofuchibioo: it's okay!
dark_spirit12987634: *hiyori grabs one8
dark_spirit12987634: *
dark_spirit12987634: *she breaks off a little piece and sticks it in her mouth*
oofuchibioo: just a little piece?))
dark_spirit12987634: shes not the type of person to stuff a whole cookie in her mouth!))
oofuchibioo: oh))
dark_spirit12987634: *hiyori continues breaking off little pieces and eatint them*
dark_spirit12987634: *eating
dark_spirit12987634: *eating
oofuchibioo: *Asako took one, crammed it into her mouth, and started chewing furiously*
dark_spirit12987634: O.O
oofuchibioo: OM NOM NOM!!!
oofuchibioo: not on no, mom))
dark_spirit12987634: *hiyori just stared like she was insane*
dark_spirit12987634: OH NO MOM!))
oofuchibioo: >_<*))
oofuchibioo: *Asako kept chewing*
dark_spirit12987634: sorry.......))
dark_spirit12987634: O.O
dark_spirit12987634: *hiyori finished off her last piece*
oofuchibioo: OM NOM NOM!!!
dark_spirit12987634: O.O
dark_spirit12987634: *hiyori twiched as she om nom nomed the cookie*
oofuchibioo: OMG, THIS TASTE GOOD!!!
oofuchibioo: I have to go now!!!
dark_spirit12987634: ?
oofuchibioo: ))
oofuchibioo: I have to go now!))
dark_spirit12987634: okay, I was confused!))
oofuchibioo: sorry))
oofuchibioo: bye!))
dark_spirit12987634: well see ya tomarrow sempaii!))
oofuchibioo: ^_^ byes!!!))
dark_spirit12987634: buh-bye!))
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