Today was crazy stuff. Not only did we completely ignore the fact that it was a girl's birthday on purpose, but we told people that it was George Washington's birthday when they asked whose birthday it was. That was pretty darn funny. I kept asking people, "Why is *Gertrude wearing a birthday hat on George Washington's birthday?" You would understand our hatred if you met her.
Anyways, I am going to my Sweeney party tomorrow! I are so excited. I will wear my ST shirt, my ST necklace... my JS pins... and plenty of other JD things. I am so obsessed that I asked my friends if I could keep their movie stubs. I was a moron and didn't keep my ones from the first time. Or the second. Or third. Or fourth. Or fifth. Or sixth. But seventh time's the charm! Right?
My mother went and talked to my homeroom teacher (who is frickin' awesome, by the way) about my "nunk" teacher. And she totally agreed with her about how she is being unfair to me. She she said that she would have a chat with her and if the problem continues, she will talk to the vice principal! *sigh* I love Mrs. Stewart...
Lately in school, my friends and I (the Clan) have been watercolouring at recess right? So today I was painting a Sweenious picture and splattered red watercolours all over the paper and it looks sooo much like blood its not even funny! That picture is so going on my wall along with the other paintings my friend Alex made for me. She rocks at ST razors -- let me tell ya.
I probably won't write in my journal tomorrow, so if I don't, see you all Sunday! If I do, then see ya tomorrow!
heart Myranda
Constanze Mozart · Sat Feb 23, 2008 @ 05:36am · 0 Comments |