Hello everybody! It's been yet again a long time since I've updated my journal, lol. I was away from Gaia for a while, but I've recently returned around the anniversary of my starting my avi. ^_^ I've also changed the look of my avi a bit, and I've got to say I like it a lot. ^_^ The hair is awesome. But in the end, I guess I'm just another goth, ne?
Lately I've been really excited about the new Harvest Moon games, which come out on the 26th of this month. ^_____^ Also, Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle Volume 6 comes out that day, so I'm going to be one happy monkey. ^_^ I was also happy about the new Harry Potter book, but let's not go there... stare Let's just say my sister ruined it for me and told me the ending when I was only in Chapter 10.... stressed So I'm currently not reading it because I'm mad about how it ends, even though I haven't even gotten to the ending. sweatdrop
Anyways, short entry today, because I'm playing a game right now; the import ROM of the Magic Knight Rayearth RPG game for SNES.
Today's picture is from Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life. This outfit is so cuuuuuute!! ^_^
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