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Aoi's Journal and Case File Notes
This is a IC Journal based on the Phoenix Wright "OBJECTION!..." RP thread in the Chatterbox of Gaia online. Any post that is made OOC will be noted as such.
Journal Entry Number 1: The Gaia Summer Festival Phoenix Wright Defends Durem!

Well, it’s been forever and a day since I promised myself that I’d start this journal of sorts. For some crazy reason I’ve always been the one relatively in the know of what the heck is going on around the office, while other people are left for the most part in the dark. It’s weird like that…

So for the sake of everyone who’s forgotten, and everyone who’s new, I’m going to do a bit of a recap of what’s happened in the office so far.

God save my soul. -___-;


Alright, so…

This, for me, starts in Late August, before University started up.

To be honest, I didn’t meet Phoenix, Miles, Maya, Larry ( <3) or hell, most of the people in the office till the Summer Festival in Durem. It was Pie who dragged me along; the only people I knew well there was Pie herself, and Brock when he eventually showed up.(WHICH HE NEEDS TO DO MORE OFTEN BTW ). I was a little nervous because, well, I had chosen to be on the Gambino side, and I was nervous they’d all hate me. -___-;

So yeah, I come in, and what do you know, Miles Edgeworth stumbles in right after me!

My first instinct? OH GOD HIDE gonk

…Seriously, I was so nervous. It was freaking Miles Edgeworth!

But then Pie brought out some …well, let’s face it, it was an explicit yaoi Dojinshi and tried to get him to sign the thing.

I will say this now; I have NO idea what the heck I was doing. I must have just been high on all the good energy in the room, cause BOOM my nervous disappeared and I asked him upfront “So, dude, Bi, Straight, or Gay?” and I think I freaked him out.

…then A bunch of us all dogpiled on him… andddd I tried to steal his pants. Which I then remembered weren’t there cause he was in his shorts. You know, for the wateriness. And such. That was the first instant, I think, when I realised the Time Space Continuum was aliiiiiiittle out of whack. Because I was SURE I had them… >3>;

I remember commenting on why everyone seemed to like Miles….

“*Now wearing the pants like a belt around her waist* Simple, really

Cute guy + Angsty past + cold exterier + Possible yaoi interest = Instant favorite character. “….I can’t quite remember what I meant by “character” though. I think I can hear the fourth wall breaking. >3>;

….I did grab two pairs of his shorts eventually. 8D With Pie’s help inparticular. It’s stuff like THIS which is why she’s my BFF.







Go get those shorts, Aoi!

I love you so much, Pie.

Also, I think that, now that I think back to it, Legion might have a contract somewhere that states Miles is his Man slave to sell to the fangirls. O___o; Sorry, just a vague memory there….

To be perfectly honest, a lot of the details I remember are a bit fuzzy… I mean, I can’t quite remember them in order…

I do remember; this was always this weird hobo guy around who claimed to be a future version of Phoenix Wright. We think, later on, that he was just a crazy cosplaying hobo man though. He caused a lot of problems, but I’ll get into that later. ...


Now, the sad thing Is… I only really remember meet directly a few people distinctly. Miles was first. Then Phoenix, then… Um. Well, Larry. Heh… Uh-… I also remember meeting Infection, as well As Donovan for the first time. I don’t quite remember when I met Mia and Maya, sadly… actually my biggest memory of Maya was a rather sad one…. But I’ll put it all in order as best I can. Oh! Right, I remember meeting Legion too. 3nodding

Alright, I guess the next start of the show is… dun dun dunna, Phoenix Wright! I had come into the party area, saw him… and first thing I did was glomp onto his back. I once again, don’t know what I was thinking. It must have been the fangirl in me. Apparently everyone had asked him who he’d like to be stuck in an elevator for 5 hours for, and he had said Edgeworth, in order to do “paperwork”.

So that’s what they’re calling it now, eh Phoenix? wink Poor b*****d didn’t stand a chance against all us fangirls. It was worse that I had glomped onto his back, and pulling out that Dojinshi I had borrowed off of Pie, showed him the most explicit page, telling him there was no way he could win against us. Other of the girls were talking about stuffing him into a closet with Miles till they confessed to one another. He then left, obviously flustered, and I felt kinda bad… I mean… that’s not the impression I wanted to give off you know? He must have been pretty annoyed with me.

But then, just as Phoenix left, Larry showed up, looking a little confused. First thing I heard him say “…What’s this about stuffing Phoenix into a Closet?” And all of us started to talk to him. Apparently, from what I picked up from the other conversations, he had recently been dumped by his newest “girlfriend/soulmate”. Something about Chicken Alfredo… …

…I’ll need to ask him about that, sometime. I never got the full story… Anyway! That was the first time I actually talked to Larry.

….Man, now that I think about it… Miles I had pantsed, Phoenix I had glomped… Larry? The most I did was giving him a hug, and a pat on the head, because he felt so down about what had happened with his ex. … In fact, he’s the first one I actually talked to on an intelligent level. O____o Without fangirling. He was just… made me feel much more comfortable to talk to. Like he was that friend you could always talk to about serious stuff or just random crap.

I can remember… I told him I felt bad that I had freaked out Phoenix over the Dojinshi… then I asked him what he liked in a girl. …
Dear god. I asked him THAT? gonk

We then wished each other luck in finding the girl and guy of our dreams ( gonk Oh god, that’s too weird when I look back…) , and I went onto ask him about what he thought about Miles and Phoenix. And he basically told me he had always sort of expected it, especially since grade school. I was amazed, really. He was so honest about it! And he was the first one who hadn’t denied it or found it strange… I automatically liked him.

…Damn, now I figured out why I reacted so weird around Phoenix and Miles. It must have been nerves. They both made me so nervous; because I mean, Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney? The Demon Prosecutor, Miles Edgeworth? Both men so damn well respected… I suppose when I get nervous, I can react two ways; one was to get shy, which I did so at first, or the other is to go crazy and seem like I’m NOT shy and nervous. Which I ended up doing afterward. Because god knows, afterwards when I tried to talk seriously with Miles and Phoenix… I was a bundle of nerves. I was so scared of making them hate me; it seemed easier to revert to fangirl mode and just be stupid and not care.

…But Larry was just Larry. Always has been, always will be. Accepting, funny, sincere… Nothing but himself. Damn. Maybe I started to fall for him from the start…? I’m not sure really. All I knew is that he was a good guy.

ACK, DAMNIT. Sorry, I got off track there. Anyway, later on that night, I ended up bugging Phoenix more…I glomped onto his leg, and started to root around his pockets, and ended up going through his wallet (…Once again, what the hell was I thinking? DX) Which I later claimed was not Phoenix’s but in fact Miles wallet!... claimed is the keyword here. Because honestly I don’t really remember if it really was, or if I was just kidding. Either way, I think him and Larry were leaving to go hang out at Miles place, and before they left, I went over to Phoenix and gave him a kiss on the cheek, handed back his(?) wallet and said I was sorry for bugging him so much. He blushed, heh.


Now here’s when everything get’s sticky.

I know at one point I attempted to steal Miles pants and succeeded this time. And he chased after me. I had put his pants down my shirt, thinking for sure he’d never go after them…

Apparently I was wrong. .____.; He tackled me and started groping around in there for them. And I, doing what a girl would naturally do in those circumstances, I curled up into a ball and starting to scratch, kick and … I think I might have bitten him… Either way, he got his pants back, and my first thought was… “… I think he touched my Boobs. O__o I don’t know whether to feel violated or turned on.”

What’s worse is that Larry was right infront of me when I said that. .____.; Wow first impressions, eh? Then again, he was just as much up for messing with Miles XD

Like, this other time. Larry was using a watergun on him, and then Miles stole it off of Larry and started to chase him with it! …And Me, cause I was hanging around with Larry… and he even shielded me with his body to protect me from Miles!

Actually, that was the first time Brock showed up too! I was so glad to see him there; it had been ages since me and Brock hung out; too bad Pie wasn’t there, but hey…

…Heh, that was actually the start of something kinda funny. Brock and Larry started talking about how they were both looking for soulmates, and got all dramatic and went “WE’LL TOTALLY FIND SOMEONE SOMEDAY!!” … and then Legion joined in, saying he was the same way, all three of them raising their hands, calling themselves soul brothers.

And I took a moment… considering everything I had been through, and raised my hand too, asking if they’d mind if I joined in.

So then, me, Brock, Larry and Legion officially became soul siblings in singleness. 3nodding

So… does that make me and Larry …you know what? I’m not gonna think about that.

Also, Larry said something that I later back thought on, and realised he was a freaking prophet. O__o; But I’ll explain that some other time.

Oh yes, this was also when I met Ruby, the little Pink Dragon, for the first time. She likes fire and fish a lot. And also likes to plot with me and Larry.


Okay, time to get OFF my Larry kick… sorry all. Now for some MORE important things. 8D;

I don’t quite remember meeting Mia Fey the first time. I do remember HEARING she had been shot though; by some random assailant, that we thought was Dekiller. I remember that Lana Skye (Who I hadn’t really talked to before, I think) and Jake Marshall (Ditto for him) Discussing trying to find him.

But then… I was there, when Maya got shot twice. It was… just so ******** weird. It was just a random shooter form what I could tell… Did we ever find out who did it? No idea. I should ask Lana about that, actually… Either way; I met two people that day who have been hanging around the office since then. One was Donovan, our resident half incubus, though we didn’t realise it at the time. He was the one who helped Maya before the paramedics showed up… getting her wounds dressed up.

…I remember feeling so useless that day….

Oddly enough, that’s also the day I met one of my dearest friends, Infection. Who, uh, at the time was … A Grumbie. sweatdrop You know about them, right? Back in 2005, there was an outbreak of Grunnies, which are basically green zombie bunnies, during the Halloween party at the Gambino Mansion. And if you got bitten by them a lot, you’d slowly turn into a zombie… and then a Grunny would be growing out of your head.

Now, USUALLY I’m terrified of Zombies. I mean, come on, I avoided going into the Shadow temple in Ocarina of time SOLELY because of those freaking Redeads, and don’t get me STARTED on the Resident Evil games (Sorry, Nat, Godot, I know you like them, but aaaarrrrgh they’re freaky!) But… Infection was different.

…Probably because unlike most zombies, Infection was sentient. In fact, she was more then just sentient; she was really, really smart. And funny!

What happened was, the same time that Maya was shot, Redd White had been there, and was shot in the hand. So while he was screaming like a mofo, and bleeding, Infection was starting to eye him.

I should note here; Infection tried to shield Maya with her own body (Since, ya know, she was dead already) but couldn’t make it in time….

I never would have thought that Redd White’s blood smelled like cotton candy. O__o; Then again, he does wear pink…

Basically Infection was getting hungry and was going to try to eat Redd. I learned later that whenever Infection smelled blood that really smelled good, she’d kinda slips back into “zombie mode” and goes off to munch on brains, or as she likes to call it “falls off the wagon”. Either way, she actually licked off some of the blood on his hand and I THINK she might have tired to bite into his finger…

And you know… I had heard about what Redd White had done to Maya and Mia. I knew most of Phoenix Wright’s earlier cases…

But I… I couldn’t let her just eat him. It wasn’t right.

SO! I noticed that nearby there were two dead pig carcasses. It turns out that the Summer Festival was taking place nearby the Mythbusters studio, and they had these two pigs just sorta lying there,… any well, they weren’t going anywhere… so I distracted Infection with them! She was disappointed, but seemed to understand. And that’s how me and Infection became friends heart According to her, she first wandered in and asked Lana about if it was possible to charge someone who was dead already with murder or something like that… sweatdrop


Alright… what else? Ah! Right… Shelly DeKiller. At one point during the festival, Dekiller apparently kidnapped Desiree DeLite, Ron Delite’s wife. We all sort of starting freaking out, and Lana Skye and Jake Marshall were there, investigating that, I think…

Then, Ron suddenly started acting weird. He was trying to tell Lana to stay away from him, but she just didn’t understand what was wrong… then … suddenly, Ron drew a knife on Lana and was holding it to her neck! Apparently Dekiller was holding Desiree hostage and was breaking her fingers, and threatening to kill her if Ron didn’t kill of Lana Skye. God, the tension then….

….What the ********, dude. Seriously. What. The. ********. Eventually Ron realised that Desiree would never cry out like that, and took off on one of Desiree’s motorcycles to find her. Poor Lana and Jake were left kinda going….”What the hell was that? O___o”

We never did find out why DeKiller did that in the first place, though.


I should mention here that Maya, Mia and later on, Miles and Sky were all shot at. Miles had a bullet wound in his arm or shoulder I believe, Mia’s was in legs, Maya to the chest, and I think Sky was also shot in the foot…? Sky recovered the quickest though, considering his heritage while I’ll explain later. I’m not totally sure of when these people were shot. I believe it was after the festival had concluded, but it might as well go here over anywhere else.

EDIT: After talking to Sky, he told me he was shot actually THREE times. One in the chest, one in the arm, and one in leg.


Seriously, what the hell, Sky. sweatdrop Anyway...

It’s kinda strange, when I think back on things…how much I’ve changed. Back then, I let the professionals take care of the investigations… but… now, if I was back then again, how I am now, I would have jumped right in there. I feel kinda bad, now, not having been more involved in the cases… maybe I could have helped.


ACK, anyway!

I should note about the people from the Netherworld that showed up a lot. Laharl, a demon overlord, Flonne, an angel who followed him around, Etna, Laharl's vicious vassal, the Prinnies who are like bombs in Penguin form, and also The dark Adonis, Vyers, AKA Midboss, all were hanging around there too. Rikku Wolf, I later learned, was also connected to their world…

Also This is where Pure hung out too heart

This is also when I met Nightmare Sun, who became a good friend of mine, and uh… was kinda… had a thing for Larry. .___.; Eep. Guilt. I also met Page, who is a good friend of mine, a fellow Canadian, and a friend of Godot and Tigre. And is totally crushing on Godot too. ^__^

Alright… what else. Ah! Right. At this time I was… kiiiinda obsessed with the game series Castlevania, so I was constantly swinging into the party/office on my whip.

And Crashing into things too. Ow. That STILL ******** hurts.

Also, probably most important… Phoenix Wright, during the summer festival, left for 2 weeks on a business trip. So he wasn’t around for a while, unfortunately.

I was worried he would get hurt, somehow, when he got back, considering all the shootings…

I didn’t realise how right I was….


And that, more or less, is the Summer Festival for you. If Anyone wants me or needs me to add anything; Please, just send me a line and I will!

Right now, though, I got a boyfriend and a game of Super Smash Bros Melee waiting for me.

Ciao! heart

People met
Aoi Hikari, Pie A LaMode, Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wright, Larry Butz, Brock, Ruby, Legion, Mia Fey, Maya Fey, Lana Skye, Jake Marshall, Donovan, Ron DeLite, Desiree DeLite, Shelly DeKiller, Pure, Infection, Laharl, Flonne, Etna, Vyers, Rikku Wolf, Nightmare Sun, Redd White

Aoi Hikari
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Aoi Hikari
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