Yes, along with my current big quest for the elusive devil tail, I'm also going to start a mini side quest. I'm figuring that the devil is going to take me forever and a day to get, IF I can even get it. So in the meantime I'm after a fewe other things whee
Currently, I would like to attain the: Complete G-LOL outfits. I think it's a really spiffy looking ensemble and wouldn't mind having it all for myself.'s the thing.....I don't really want to go out and purchase all of the pieces seeing as how I'm already questing. I would like to rely on the help of others once again. I would love it if people could donate to me the different items.
I know, I know....That's asking an aweful lot from people since alot have already donated time and gold for my main quest. But I know for fact there are some very kind people out there that would still help me out no matter what.
If I don't recieve any help on my side quest here, then I plan to start using some of my gold to get the pieces. I really do want this outfit and will do what I can to get it. Thank you all for your time and I hope to get a helping hand.
*all items located at: Gambino Outfitters, Isle de gambino*
Outfit Items:
1. G-LOL Dark Dollie Top.....current price: 5,030g
2. G-LOL Dark Dollie Socks.....current price: 460g
3. G-LOL Dark Dollie Skirt.....current price: 3,270g
4. G-LOL Dark Dollie Shoes.....current price: 1,160g
*all items located at: Durem Depot, Durem*
Outfit Items:
1. G-LOL Dark Mistress Top.....current price: 2,000g
2. G-LOL Dark Mistress Stockings.....current price: 666g
3. G-LOL Dark Mistress Skirt.....current price: 1,301g
4. G-LOL Dark Mistress Boots.....current price: 999g
*all items located at: H.R. Wesley, Durem*
Outfit Items:
1. G-LOL Blue Gown.....current price: 13,000g
2. G-LOL Blue Slippers.....current price: 2,413g
Yes, I know what you're going to say....."HOLY MONKEY THAT'S ALOT!!!!" and I completely agree.....But I would LOVE to own this stuff and I'm going to slowly but surely work on getting each piece of all the outfits.
So thanks for reading and I hope to be doing "business" with you all soon. Take care folks.
**EDIT** 7-26-05 :::: Just bought myself the entire set from Durem Depot. 1 down, 2 to go whee
**EDIT** 7-27-05 :::: My wonderful giving friend Bodster just gave me 20,520g to finish this mini quest!!! Needless to say I was VERY surprised and delighted. So now I will have all of the outfits and will focus all of my attention back to my main quest.
*lots & lots of huggles for Bod*
You're such a doll. I wish there was some way I could repay you for all of your kindness....
Until next time america......
~ NIHL ~ · Mon Jul 25, 2005 @ 05:46am · 2 Comments |