hello! please help me get all the things 4 my dream avi.

now i am questing 4 the fairy wings
Donating: 450+
Gold: Not very good
Mood: I dont know
Items: Ok.
Wanted: Anything!
Items Left:
Fairy Wings
Fairy Wings
Loved List
Extreme-flaming-toasters- All the mood bubbles (not demonic) heart
k2theimmy-800 gold + fai coat heart
r a y n b o w s-angelic earmuffs heart
miraru-1000 gold heart
sexy lisa cuddy-lucky star heart
Cutting Edge of Doom-450+white eye stipt heart
futballcrazey93- let it snow heart
o0-K a i-0o-lots heart
muchitsujo newera kabuki-1000 heart
xXlost_lov3Xx-750+good items heart
I will skip all bumpers,one-liners and people who post only emotes.