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View User's Journal

JMGOLD's Journal
Chapter 1
"Welcome to Channel 12 news, our top story tonight, The empires fleet a.k.a. 'The Guardian Angels" destroyed a town near Denver, Colorado, which was claimed to be taken over by the rebelion gang named 'Devil's Handgun.' The empire's fleet dilled everyone, even the Guards and policemen fighting for the same cause as them. Reports say that all those who were related to the rebel gang in any way were leeched. More on that later

* * *

"I guess all that mindless rapping got us to have some fun." The soldier said. They were burning the last of the village civillians.
"Hell, we're gonna get to have more 'fun' as you say more often. WE already have orders to go to a city somewhere in Chicago. So pack up, take whatever you want, and let's get the hell out of here." the officer announced.
"Let's do this." a mysterious man wispered.
"The wind's blowing hard." a soldier said.
"Nice one, are you gonnasay it's hot next." another soldier remarked, laughing wildly. AFter awhile, he stopped laughing, notecing that no one was laughing with him because no one was there. He searched around the area ending up to where the vehicles were parked.He moved to the nearest truck and checked inside it. All he saw was dead soldiers. He hears a noise behind him and turns around. He hears more noises, he shakes up and starts running. He tries to run away from the noises, but they seem to just sound louderand louder. He feels a pain on his left ankle. He toumbles and falls. He begins hearing footsteps. He sees four shadows and notices who the men are. He didn't even believe they existed.
"P....please d....don't kill m..m..me." the soldier pleaded.
"You should've never had 'fun' with the innocent." the man said. He takes a sword lying on the floor and chops the soldier heads off.
"Too easy."

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