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Youw i s h
Lists and rants on normal life from a girl annoyed at the general public. What more could you want?
Movie/OC One-Shot (Sakura Hiyori)
Starting Mood :: Creative/Sleepy/Blank

Starting Time :: 10:14 PM

Horton Hears A Who

The only reason I wanted to see that was the cute little emo Who I saw in the previews. :3 AND HE WAS SO CUUUUUTE. Though for the parts he wasn't in, I almost fell asleep. ;;;; He's name's Jojo. How cuuuuuuute~ *squee* And his voice was really pretty, too~
Lol. *spazzing over cartoon character* He's just too cute, though. X3

An Attempt at a One-shot

((I suck, so be prepared to COMBUUUUST. 8D))

The blinds covering an opened window flutter, banging against the wall as wind blows into the room. A mouse clicks over and over, and a chair squeaks as two best friends move around to fit better and focus on the going ons of the computer world.

A quiet, "Damnit, Sora..." is mumbled as an action figure is moved around stiffly, thin silver brows above glaring red eyes staring at the uncooperative hero. A small giggle comes after from the one watching the girl in her lap; soft blue eyes glance at the T.V and watch Dragon Ball Z characters fly across the screen.

"Hmm... Kazuki-kun, are you sure you're a master at this?" Said blue-eyed girl gently picks up the one in her lap and places her on the bed, walking over to Kazuki and watching as his person died.

He scoffs and almost yells, "Of course I am, Usaku-chan! He's just being a WHORE." Laughter floods from the computer chair randomly; the girl on the bed yelling at the same time, "GOOD GOSH, SORA'S BEING A BETCH."

A moment of silence, more clicking and the sounds of a mad ninja being pwned.

"I love you guys."

A whole chorus answers, various heart-felt claims flowing together to make something akin to, "I love you too, Nana-chaaaaan!"

Another silence, comfortable and warm this time, ensues; everyone stuck in their own activity. Nana and Miyuki talking and laughing at the computer, Kazuki and Usaku now going against each other in an intense 'death match', and Mai silently staring off into space, daydreaming.

Mai's red eyes shift out of her little world; she looks around at everyone else doing something interesting. "..." She sweatdrops, scratching her head with a small sigh. There was no use fighting it anymore... She HAD to say it... "Hey guys," She starts, a finger to her lip and her gaze at the ceiling. "We should go find our world's Keyhole. Or... Something really cool like that..."

Miyuki glances at Mai from the corner of her eye, a thoughtful expression slowly covering her face. "We should..." She jumps up dramatically, her hair swishing as she gets up in a flash, "There's bound to be one! We must go on an adventure!"

By then, Kazuki and Usaku had left the game, turning their focus solely on Miyuki and the conversation. Nana spins around, away from the computer, and faces her friends, now all in a circle. Mai bounces around, beyond excited now at the idea of an adventure with her friends... It's always been number one on her wish list.

"Muwahaha!" Miyuki laughs, a plan forming quickly in her mind. Usaku laughs along, nodding slightly; Kazuki grins, even though he's slightly confused.

With a confident grin, the demon explains what her quick mind had come up with.

----- To be continued? -----

((A/N)):: Lolololololol. It sucks. I type so slow, and I HAVE to be doing something - multiple things - as I'm doing something. ;;;; Distracted~ *spins* Sorry I made everyone's OCs all weird. xDDD I'm horrible at writing. Maybe I'll continue this?
Anywaaay~ Here's something I made for my people in Texas waaaaays back when. Even though they've never read it. ;;;;

----- A Day To Remember? -----

"Give it back, damn it!" Ryu demands, running after Mai, who'd taken something very important...

"No! My marshmallow!" Mai shouts back, running around the camp fire, waving the white puff in her hands. Yuki sits on the log by the fire, watching her friends run. She whistles innocently, looking away, and sticks her foot out in the path of a running Mai.

"Saaa!" Mai squeals as she falls, anime style, onto the ground.

"Muwahaha! Fear me!" Yuki laughs, smiling down at her best friend.

"Jump her!" Shiruba shouts, pouncing on Mai's back. Yuki pounces on Shiruba; and Ryu just bends down and snatches away her marshmallow. She laughs at Mai, then shoves her mellow onto a stick and continues to burn it.

"Nyu! Off, off! I must stop the pyro!" Mai whines, grabbing at the marshmallow; now covered in flames. Her friends comply, all smiling. Shiruba sighs happily, staring into the fire with her chin in her hands.

"Fire's so pretty..." Ryu comments, burning another marshmallow. Mai watches with a quivering bottom lip.

"Why, Ryu-chan?! Why burn them?! You shouldn't kill them!" Mai cries, "You have to eat them!"

"They'd die either way." Ryu dismisses, waving her hand.

"Marshmallows aren't even alive..." Yuki states, looking at the two weirdly.

"You guys ever have the feeling that there's other worlds out there...? Like somewhere other than Konoha or Suna?" Shiruba asks randomly, causing her friends to stop and think.

"Not really... I haven't really thought of it..." Yuki says quietly, staring up at the many stars.

"Uh... Nope!" Mai says happily, looking over at Yuki on her right and seeing her looking at the stars. She turns her gaze to them as well, but in confusion.

"Uh-uh," Ryu shakes her head, then grabs for another marshmallow, but finds there to be none. "Damn." She curses, folding her arms and looking up at the stars as well.

As they all look up at the vast sky, they all see one of the brightest stars flicker.

"Ah! Look at that star!" Shiruba points hurriedly at the star that's now flickering more rapidly.

"It's winking at us~!" Mai shouts, clapping her hands.

"No... I think it's disappearing." Ryu corrects, staring more intently. The star finally goes out, a little cloud of black poofing out before disappearing as well.

"Wow," Yuki mutters in awe. "It just...-"

"Died?! Went 'poof'?! <b>Disappeared</b>?!" Shiruba exclaimed, throwing her arms up. "I know stars, and that one wasn't old enough to implode on it's own! Something destroyed it! I bet it was another world!" She turns her gaze to the circle of friends going around the campfire; Mai on her right next to Yuki, and Ryu to her left. Mai giggles abit at her friend's explanation.

"Another world, Shiruba-chan?" She asks, looking at Shiruba.

"Yeah! We should find a way to get there! We'd have to go to Kirigakure, though. They have the huge sea. We can go on hard missions for the next week to earn extra money for the trip!" Shiruba exclaims, getting more excited with every word.

"We'd have to leave everyone behind... Leave everything behind." Ryu states seriously.

"It sounds fun! I think we should go for it!" Mai cheers, throwing her hands up. Shiruba glances at Yuki.

"How 'bout you, Yuki-chan? You wanna come?" It goes quiet as Yuki thinks.

"What about Sasuke-kun? I don't want to leave him. And I'm sure he wouldn't want you to leave either, Mai-chan. You're his only sister." She sighs, caught between the boy she loves and the adventure of a life time.

"Oh yeah... And what about my Neji-kun..." Mai says sadly.

"And that Deidara-san you always flirt with." Shiruba coos with a wink and smirk. Mai turns red and shuts up.

"I told you we'd have to leave everyone behind. I'm leaving Shikamaru-kun, Shiruba-chan would be leaving Kiba-san," Ryu explained. "Just a price. And we might not even make it to 'another world.'" Yuki nods, a small smirk on her face.

"Well then, lets do it!" She puts her hand above the flame. "Who's goin'?!"

"Me!" Mai shouts in a sing-song voice.

"Can't leave you guys alone for one minute, I'm sure as hell going." Ryu smirks as well.

"Yeah! We'll find those other worlds! And we'll find out why the stars are going out!" Shiruba cheers, throwing her hand above everyone else's.

"Yeah!! We rock~!" Mai squeals, jumping up and down.

"We'll rock those other worlds!" They all shout, the fire going out. (OMG! That so rymed XDDD)


"Wee~!" Mai squeals happily spinning around in excited circles. "We are so going to have the most coolest adventurous time <b>ever</b>!" She throws her hands up in the air. Shiruba laughs and nods in agreement.

"Yeah we are!" She punches the air as well.

For the past week, the four friends have been going on the highest ranked missions available, earning as much money as possible.

Shiro had been put in charge of the money, they figured she was the most responsible of the group. They'd bought a boat - big enough for them all, with some of the Uchiha's fortune. Sasuke, of course, was curious as to why his little sister was taking money out of their account. With a little 'whack' to the back of the head, Sasuke was out, and thankfully didn't remember anything.
The food was packed, everything was gathered. As Shiruba started walking to the market after telling her friends that she was going to buy one more thing, she saw a black shadow forming in front of her.

She looks up to see if there was a passing cloud, but she recalled Ryu saying that Shikamaru had complained about today being cloudless.

She steps up to the growing shadow, staring at it with curiosity.

~.:<>:.~Otokono Shiruba~.:<>:.~

'What <i>is</i> that?!' I think, backing away as a small figure seemingly grows out of the ground in front of me.

It's eyes are a yellow light, surrounded by it's black body. 'Kinda looks like a shadow...' The way it moves freaks me out, jerking and twisting in weird angles I've only seen the insanely flexible people do. It's head jerks around to me, locking onto my shivering figure.

Then, it pounces...

~.:<>:.~With the group~.:<>:.~

A scream is heard from the market, sounding a lot like -

"Shiruba-chan?" Mai asks no one, mostly herself. As they look off into the distance, black shadows form all around them, small figures growing out of the ground and slinking towards them.

"What the hell are those?!" Yuki shouts, pulling out a kunai knife and going into a fighting stance.

"Heartless..." Ryu mutters. Yuki glances at her, then turns her gaze back to the Heartless coming closer.

"How do you know that?!" She asks Ryu urgently, swiping at the shadow in front of her. It only pulls it's self back together.

"I've been having these weird dreams lately," Ryu says shortly. "Our kunais' and katanas' can't kill them. We have to find the Keybearer. Only his sword can kill them."

"They look kinda cute." Mai comments, smiling as she cuts into one, even if they are aiming to kill her.

"They are so not cute, Mai-chan! I bet they're trying to eat us or something!" Yuki yells, cutting a Heartless in half, only to have it reform.

"Not quite, they're actually trying to steal our hearts," Ryu explains calmly while grabbing Mai and Yuki's wrist, pulling them twords the market. "Our world is going to be swallowed up by darkness soon. We have to stick together, so, in the event that the world <i>does</i> colapse and dissapear, we'll have a chance at landing on the same world." Mai's eyes start stinging with tears.

"I don't wanna be separated from you guys..." Ryu looks away from Mai's now tear stained face.

"Don't cry, you're gonna make me cry, geeze." Ryu says softly, hugging Mai as best as possible while running.

"We have to find Shiruba-chan, then find the portal. It should be somewhere in the middle..." Ryu says, looking around for a pool of darkness.

"Is that it?" Yuki asks, pointing to a vast, swirling dark sky. And on Naruto's Ichiraku Ramen.

"N-no! The ramen!" Mai whines as the whole stand is pulled up and dissapears into the dark swirling vortex.

"Sh-Shiruba-chan!" Yuki yells over the winds. "Over here, Shiruba-chan!" She waves to Shiruba, who had just finished cutting a Heartless in half. She runs over to the other three, pulling them into a group hug.

"You guys ok?!" She shouts.

"You're the one that was off by your self!" Yuki shouts back.

"Come on, people." Ryu waves forward, twords the dark portal.
They see Sasuke, just standing as if the world <i>wasn't</i> in utter chaos.

"Sasuke-niisama! Come on! What are you doing?!" Mai screams at him; but her screams fall on deaf ears. She opens her mouth to scream again, but he turns around with his usuall smirk.

"I'm not afraid of the darkness." He says with an erie calm.

"W-what?! Sasuke-niisama! You baka! Come back!" Mai shouts at him as dark wisps crawl up his legs. Mai runs to his now open hand, reaching for him. She trips before getting to him, he just smirks as he's completly consumed.

Mai stands on her feet, staring at the place her older brother once was. 'I'll get that b*****d back from this 'darkness'...' Mai thinks, biting her lip in determination.


The once big world the four lived in is now only a floating island, a void surrounding the small island. Yuki, Shiruba, Ryu and Mai all go back-to-back in the middle of the island, ready for any surprise attacks.

Ryu mutters something to herself.

"What?!" Yuki calls over the howling wind.

"I was just thinking that our weapons should have come to us by now!" Ryu yells back.

"But we have our weapons right here!" Shiruba states, holding up her kunai knifes.

"I mean the weapons that can kill these things!" Ryu trys explaining.

"But you said only the Keybearer can kill them..." Mai reminds them.

"He or she is the only one that can realese the captive hearts, if I remember my dreams correctly!" she explains. As she finishes, a twinkling, like the sound of bells, and a 'pop' if heard before new weapons apear in each girl's hands.

"Well... This'll work!" Yuki cheers, but her cheer is stopped as at least 120 Heartless come out of the ground where a new portal had emerged.

"Let's kick some Heartful a**!" Mai shouts happily, pointing her new white staff in the air.

"They're Heart<i>less</i>, not Heart<i>ful</i>." Ryu corrects with a sweatdrop.



"Everyone got their charms...?" Ryu asks her friends.

"Yup." Yuki nods.

"Uh-huh." Shiruba nods as well.

"I do~!" Mai agrees in a sing-song voice.

"Good. Even if we get seperated after this, we'll all find someway back to eachother in another world. Got it?" Ryu glances over everyone's faces before looking back to the Heartless.

"Got it."

"Sure do.

"Gots it~!"

"Well then," Ryu starts, glaring at the sea of Heartless. "Let's show 'em what the kunoichi of the Hidden Leaf can do!"


:3;;; I wrote that when I didn't care what others thought of my writing. sweatdrop Can you tell?

Anyway, I'll go now. Bye bye~ Sorry I made you go through horriblw writing~ heart ILY

Ending Mood :: Sleepy/Blank

Ending Time :: 11:52

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User Comments: [1]
Community Member

Mon Mar 17, 2008 @ 12:40am

OMG~ I loved it so much! >_< It ended so suddenly though...XD I was like O_O It stoppededed! oh no!!! D: And the second story was so cute and funny! You are a great writer Mai-chan! Don't deny it! D< *hugglation* I love you~ heart heart heart

User Comments: [1]
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