Girls - pick the FIRST guy on your top friends. Unless their family than pick the next one. Guys - do the same, but the first girl . - DON'T CHANGE IT! - Enter their name. - Be HONEST! - Repost this so your friends can do it too.
Whats their name? enrique
1. is this person your bf/gf? maybe
2. How did you meet? first day sixth grade moved to honors together best friends went our separate ways but found each other again (:
3. If you were crying would this person cheer you up? of course
4.Where is this person? probably at home
5. Have you ever spent the night with this person? yessss
7. Is this person family? nooo O___O if he was my brother that would be freaky as hell
8. Do you trust this person? yeah sometimes too much
9. If you could change something about this person would you? his cluelessness but that's the fun part about him
10. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with this person? idk that kinda depends on how long we're gonna be stuck there
12. Have you ever kissed this person? maybeh
13. Do you tell this person secrets? yeah
14. Does this person like you? hopefully xD
15. Do you want to be with them? at the moment, why not.
16. Does this person make you smile? well, yeah. x3
17. If somebody were to shoot at you, and he/she is there, would he/she take the bullet? well i would want him to, but he probably would even if i told him not to.
18. Do you love this person? of course
Guys...repost this as " First Girl On Your Top" Girls...repost this as "First Guy On Your Top"