Okay, so Ive been on Gaia for some time now. Some of you may know me from my old profile. Some of you may have just met me. Anyway, the point is.. I've met some incredible people. Too many to mention, actually. But there is one guy I'd like to give some credit to. He has brought many a pleasant time for me on gaia, and he's way too intelligent for his age. He knows no limits on RP, and has a whole lot of passion that is waiting to burst out of him. He's emotionally frail, as far as I can understand, but he's willing to let me in... slowly, and thats the most trust I will ever need. Anyway, Tree, This ones for you. And for all the smiles you've given me during the short time we've known each other.
Never quit on yourself Tree, for you are the essence of soul.
- My love, always. x
Stack_Of_Books · Wed Mar 19, 2008 @ 12:06pm · 1 Comments |