The beginning of fleshing out her stuffies... xd
Chris Talespinner - Bard of Verbabonc
Age: 22
Birthday: March 28th (on Gaia, in Greyhawk, just understood to be in spring)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Light Brown
Skin: Pale
Height: 5ft. 1in.
Weight: 124lbs
Sex: F
Deity: Dalt (CG God of Locks, Keys and Portals)
Instrument: Lyre and Voice
Secondaries: String and Dance
Race: Rhennee Human (unknown: Draconic heritage, pretty close in line)
Short but fairly nimble and strong enough to wield her longsword, Chris is a bard from Verbabonc, in the world of Greyhawk. She has shining curious green eyes and a mess of hair with ribbons tied throughout. Her typical outfit consists of a long sleeve low cut white shirt, bodice, multicolored skirt with traveling pants underneath as well as smuggler's boots on her feet. She's beautiful, with a natural beauty befitting a bard and energy to spare, not large distracting breasts but not ones to be laughed at either. Most of her looks come from her father's side of the family. She's said to have her great grandfather's eyes as well as his singing voice.
Not one with the most common sense, but knowledgeable in all sorts of facts and tales and tidbits gathered from her travels. Cheerful and full of life, she always loves to learn a new story or song. She hardly ever becomes depressed or down and always tries to smile. Once she gives her word, she will do her best to fulfill it, as she doesn't want to let anyone down. Though she's very naive on real life at times, she attempts to learn it as best she can. (She's knows more about her life at home than here on Gaia)
She never does things haphazardly or half assed.
She follows Dalt's Mantra extensively, when one door closes, one lock can't be picked, she always attempts to find another.
To her, there is usually nothing better than a good stout ale and a new song. Or hitting a tavern and singing bar songs with the patrons to her is also a good time. If she has friends, she'll hang around them as often as she can. She is always one for good company.
When it comes to romance, once she gives her heart, nothing holds her back and she pours herself into the relationship. Of course, there is no proof of it prior to her coming to Gaia as she's never had time to fall in love, much less have a crush on another, as she was always on the move.
Orientation: Bi
Bardic Knowledge
Whether its a tale of old treasure or the local rumors about the mayor, hell, even rumors about monsters, demons and devils of all sorts, Chris knows all sorts of random knowledges. Her bardic training did entail learning legends, myths and rumors, so she is always able to at least attempt to know/remember something, to see if she remembers picking up the tale or a similar tale on the road.
Bardic Inspiration (Mind affecting)
When in combat, Chris sings, giving people aid in battle, bolstering their resolve against fear and charms as well as making them better to hit and helping them with the extra damage needed to end fights quickly. People should always be less afraid of everything when she sings.
Fascinate (Mind affecting)
Watch the bard too long and sometimes you'll become lost in her song and her beauty, loosing the will to focus on anything but her, this is a mind affecting ability that works on both men and women.
If faced by another bard or someone who uses sound and sonic based attacks, Chris is trained to use her music to stop such things and protect her allies, forcing the enemy to concentrate harder or loose the attack, or giving her allies a much better saving throw.
ARMOR! *le gasp*
Chris is proficient with light armor and it does not interfere with her bardic spellcasting abilities. She currently has studded leather armor and is hoping for a mythril chain shirt one day.
WEAPONRY *pointy objects xd *
Chris is proficient in several simple and a few martial weapons and even one exotic weapon. She has on her person a longsword, whip and a shortbow all of mundane quality.
Spellcasting - Chris has some bard spells, but those mostly entail buffing and aid spells. As well as some fun spells that do befit a bard.
Cantrips - Read Magic, Detect Magic, Prestidigation, Summon Instrument (can't remember the rest at the moment)
First level - Feather Fall, Inspirational Boost
(more on those later)
Rhen Lore:
She knows much of the lore and knowledge about her people, thanks partially to her grandmother and her master teaching her. Because of this she has a better depth of understanding of knowledge as well as an innate bonus of being more acrobatic.
Elf Lore:
Time spent with the elves as well as meetings on her travels conferred more knowledge and understanding on her, as well as giving her a better ability to understand and identify spells being cast or magic being used.
History, Arcana - Her true specialty of knowledges lies in lore and the past as well as the study of magic. Her master told her that bards could dabble in many knowledges, but still had to have one or two they could consider themselves experts on, though now she was looking at changing her focus to arcane knowledge and knowledge on the planes and planar creatures.
Perform (song): Voice is her primary instrument. She is able to sing for long periods of time without getting tired, throwing herself into the music. Of course for her, interesting things happen when she starts to loose herself in the song.
((that be all I has mapped out so far... sweatdrop Moar to come))
![]() Seung Mina56 Community Member ![]() |