Dear, Journal
Today is March 25th 2008
Well, journal I have so bad news you know Pink the girl that I told you about in another entry. Well, she broke up with me tonight. I must say I am kind of bummed about it . But at least we were together for a year and that was good enough. Though I'd hoped we'd be together and finish this year out. But she explained to me why she broke up with me. And thats the most important she told me and didn't lie about it. But I have some good news as well. She stated that she still cares for me a lot. And I told her that I still care for her alot as well, I also told her that I would continue to protect her if its needed. As you can see my friends are always important to me whether its here in cyberspace or in rl. Who knows maybe in time we'll be together again. But until then I guess I'll be her guardian angel at least. I hope she won't mind sweatdrop . Well, thats all for now, I promise to write again so till then thanks for listening wink .
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My journal is going to reflect me.
Life is full of challenges and the best thing to do is face them.