Hooyeah! Me and Erin went skating and had delicious Coldstone icecream cake (peanut butter perfection <3) and I got so much presents from her!
Here's a list:
-Deathnote vol. 1&2
-A nice top (it shows of lotsa cleavage though @_@)
-3 bottles of fun colored nail polish
-3 CD's
-A chinese latern
-foot therapy/beautifing stuff
-A nice pair of silver earrings from Tiffany's
PRESENT OVERLOAD!!! All I thought I was getting was either FFXII or Okami (drool) but I got a shitload of other stuff!!! I <3 you Erin!!! BFFs forevah!
And so yeah, today was lots of fun! I got a new awesome stereo system from my 'rents yesterday. It can play MP3s!!! Yay!
I'm supposed to get another thing tonite when my dad gets home @ 8pm... (it's 7:06pm right now)... whah!
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