So, what's Black, Purple and Blu all over?..........
April FOOLS! blaugh ........well, it would be if it was an actual person. sweatdrop yea, violent times we live in mate. Anywayz, a few new updates...i guess. I'm still working on forming my own totaly Kew Z Guild 3nodding I even have a name for it now. ok, ready? TOO LATE! its gonna be called "Blu Moth INC" based on both me, The blu D-Mon and my best mate T-Man, the pepper moth mrgreen (don't ask why, but thats the nickname he likes so....yea) In other newz, the deck of forty two (42) shall return! this time, the house of Clubs will be introducing themselves. and they have a special member who i know very well indeed wink but don't get too exited mates. those updates will come starting next week ok. so uh..... i guess you can mark you calenders...or just terrorize your neighborhoods until then.....just for kicks and giggles ofcourse pirate wahmbulance twisted rolleyes well, thats all the news for today mates. oh yea! almost forgot. if you have a better name for my guild or want to be one of the first members then just tell me ok. mrgreen see ya laterz