It was fun. But boring too. (:
I had heaps of fun after I was reunited with my buddies.
Ah, Japanese was the best. We laughed so hard. rofl
I hate school though. Bunch of sluts and hoes.
But I love my friends; and like I said to them,
"I'd gladly change schools; if I could grab all of you guys and stuff you in a bag and take you with me. (:
Math = Sucked. So boring. I understood, but I just couldn't be bothered with the work. And my a** hurt. (:
English = Boring. All we did was read for most of the lesson. And some people told us about their crappy holidays; pfft, like I'd want to know a day is like in their pathetic lives.
Science = Boring and funny. My friends and I talked, and we didn't get told off. And me and Hana were grass buddies. (:
Japanese = Funny as. I didn't do any work all lesson. Just talked. I drew for some of it, and when our teacher walked by asking me what I was doing, I said I was doing the assignment since one part of the assignment is to draw yourself. xd