I ♥ Johnny DeppMrs. Depp says: "OMG I am so frickin' happy! I have been waiting for months, but it finally came! My Sweeney Todd DVD!!! And not just the DVD, but the special collector's edition, of course! It is so frickin' shiny. Anyways, I plan to watch it and all of the special features today!! AHH!!!!
It turns out that the DVD came yesterday, the only day my mom forgot to check the mail, meaning it took 8 days to arrive. I ordered it in February, but they released it Tuesday, so it was worth the wait! When I watch it today, it will be the 11th time ever! Hip hip huzzah!
Today in computer class, we were asked to make yet another website on Weebly (gay) but this time on anything we wanted. I was thinking about making an Ichabod Crane website, but then ended up jotting random stuff down with the help of my friend Emma. We got the ideas "Buttered Toast", "The Letter 'Q'", "Why Garage Doors Are So Cool", and "Will Turner: The Unimportant Character of POTC". All great ideas, but I just had to choose "The Letter 'Q'", I mean, what the heck is better than a dang Q? I will post the URL here when I'm done.
It was raining all day. All frickin' day. Even during May Day practice -- where we have to do this totally lame hula to this horrible song that I dread with all my might. We practiced in the rain. With our shoes on. Hm.
The only good thing about May Day practice is skipping class to do it. We missed Algebra and Religion for this! Huzzah! Leaving only Science, History, Computer, English, and Grammar left over. A productive day, indeed.
What is May Day? Well, here in Hawaii at my school each year we do something called May Day, which takes place the first Friday in May, and each class dances a dance from a different culture. 4th grade always does Hawaii since they visit the Big Island every year. 8th graders always do a retarded hula, except for my brother who got to do the waltz! He sucks -_-
Anyways, there is a King and Queen, princesses and princes, ladies in waiting, conch shell blowers, etc. I hate it much. Last year was the best ever. Mr. Cardinal was in charge, meaning something would be interesting ;D
Note: Mr. "Cardinal" was my math teacher last year. He was strict but incredibly smart and a great teacher. I learned so much and always got an A in that class. Anyhoo, now we have a stupid teacher. -_-
In conclusion, I am so not looking forward to May Day. When I show up that day, I'm coming with dark eyeliner and won't take it off even if I get in trouble... o:<
heart Myranda"
Constanze Mozart · Fri Apr 11, 2008 @ 02:39am · 0 Comments |