I ♥ Johnny DeppMrs. Depp says: "Today was a good day for Myranda. The only bad thing about it was that I had to go to the dentist. I hate my dentist.
I went to the dentist and such then we went to Safeway, which is like right next to it. There is always a little 10 dollar movie section, so I always scope it out for Johnny Depp movies. There always seems to be at least one there, which I always buy, because my JD Movie collection has yet to be completed. ( crying )
Anyhoo, I watched that and such. Talked to my friends, admired Johnny Depp (like every day) and changed my profile on Gaia. That's all for me >D
Oh yes, for you losers who weren't aware, Johnny Depp is considering a role in High School Musical 3 for his children, and is officially getting married! I love his choices in life, he loves his family so much heart heart heart
heart Myranda"
Constanze Mozart · Sat Apr 12, 2008 @ 08:17am · 0 Comments |