weLcoME to mY joURnal!
bY the Way my nAme is OrdemiSe
mY real nAme iS lYle.
i'M 16 yEArs oLD, anD liviNg in Iloilo, pHilippINEs!!
i WouLD liKE to hAve
uuMMm..???? sweatdrop
yEAr of the sheep
HerMes' mOOn(anY geneRAtioN)
MeCha ForM
LittlE blAck BAt
miNi UFo
Faustus Bottle
Lucky Star
anD soME othEr stuFFs
hEy if soMEonE coULd giVE mE thIS as a giFt
i Am or Will BE vEry thanKfUl foR my whOle liFe!!
oHh bY tHE waY i'M cURenTLy a In aRena
iTs my fiRst enRTy..
sO guYs pLEase VoTE fOR me!(hoUSe eNtrY)
weLcoME to mY joURnal!
bY the Way my nAme is OrdemiSe
mY real nAme iS lYle.
i'M 16 yEArs oLD, anD liviNg in Iloilo, pHilippINEs!!
i WouLD liKE to hAve
uuMMm..???? sweatdrop
yEAr of the sheep
HerMes' mOOn(anY geneRAtioN)
MeCha ForM
LittlE blAck BAt
miNi UFo
Faustus Bottle
Lucky Star
anD soME othEr stuFFs
hEy if soMEonE coULd giVE mE thIS as a giFt
i Am or Will BE vEry thanKfUl foR my whOle liFe!!
oHh bY tHE waY i'M cURenTLy a In aRena
iTs my fiRst enRTy..
sO guYs pLEase VoTE fOR me!(hoUSe eNtrY)