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Geist Sidonay



Incubus-Aesma is the type of demon he would be classified as, by the combined sins of Lust and Wrath that course through his royal veins. Being the son of an Arch Demon, he holds a high ranking of power classified as Hellfire Seraphim, which is the opposite of a holy six-winged angel.

Birth Season: Autumn

Heir to the crown of lust, son of King Asmodeus.

Physical Description:
Standing at a towering seven feet with a sculpted muscular build, Geist is indeed a sight to behold. Like a worthy crown to his hellish heritage, his horns protrude at an intimidating length, vertically with a graceful curve, glistening like obsidian in the light. At times, elaborate crimson symbols emerge deep under the surface of his horns. The symbols change depending on his wave of energy, spells, and sometimes even with anger.

A wild voluminous mane of thick, onyx curls spills seductively down his shapely frame, trailing past broad shoulders until they reach thick, muscular thighs. Their dark wisps contrast against his deep walnut complexion, velvet soft with a glow of crimson, comparable to that of the Aztechs.

Mischievous, dark features compliment his seductive visage. Thick, dark, and shapely, his brows are angular and very expressive. Piercing crimson eyes, large, expressive, and almond in shape hawkishly peek through long, dark lashes. Their fearsome crimson glow peers over sharply defined cheekbones. The strong bridge of his nose acts as a focal point to his exotic features; the bell is small, curved, and predatory. Tempting plush petals are his lips, full and shapely. Beneath are revealed a set of terrifying fangs, slightly protruding from the top and bottom row. His teeth are gleaming white, complete with a serpent's tongue, which is oh too appropriate for a sadistic and malevolent figure such as he. His powerful jaw is squarely shaped, and sharply defined with a pointed chin. His jaws are fully capable of crushing bone.

Exotic features, especially the eyes grant him the ability to enchant and entice from a distance. Like a true incubus, he uses it to his advantage to draw his victims in, or strike a brutal frozen fear into the depths of their souls.

Coiling seven feet behind his beastly body, is one of his most deadly appendages; flexible, dexterous, powerful, and tipped with an impaling spade, he can use his tail like a deadly weapon. Its scales are black and tinted red when they hit light. Mostly it is used for displaying emotion and body language, but if the occasion calls for it, he will use it to kill.

When he isn't wearing his armor, he wears whatever clothes he's comfortable in.

Final Transformation:

This prince of darkness has a magnificent transformation in his true form where he transforms in a flock of blackened tattered feathers. Like the fallen Seraphim he is, six wings rip their way out of his back as punishment by God every time he transforms, sending out a shower of blood. One pair of wings are black and resemble that of a dragon. They are incredible shields. His second pair of wings are of black feathers with a red tint. The third pair of wings are crimson and gold fenghuang feathers. They resemble the elegant plumes of a phoenix. The great black horns on his head grow longer in length and angle backward from his skull. His hair takes on a life of its own, hissing and whirling about like octopus tendrils. The demon's lips crack at the corners and then split paper thin across his face along the cheek bones, allowing him to unhinge his jaw. His teeth sharpen to rows and rows of fangs. A third eye opens up in the middle of his forehead and his tail splits into three piercing spades.

Personality Description: A god among men, Geist possesses a certain charisma that inspires awe in others wherever he goes, gathering a following in his wake. He is absolutely and undeniably a dominant personality, quick-tempered, impatient, possessive, territorial, and full of interesting quirks. While most of the time he is sullen; on the turn of a dime he can become wickedly impish. His sense of humor is absolutely twisted, and usually involves someone getting maimed, or something else sadistic of the sort. Though he forms close bonds with his inner circle, because of his past, he is untrusting to outsiders to the point of paranoia. He is definitely a moody prince; always on edge, and explosive to the point where taunting him would yield some hilarious reactions and over reactions from the demon. All though it is funny to fuel his temper, one must not forget how dangerous he is, because at times his actions are unpredictable, and come with brutal consequence to those who carelessly spark his ire. He is wild, and one must never forget how vicious a wild beast can be. Once set off, he is deadly, and once he sets his mind on doing something, he stops at nothing like a juggernaut on a rampage until he achieves whatever he desires, whether it is mass destruction, a blood-letting spree, or even a lustful liaison. His determination is unbreakable. In battle he is a madman, a lunatic, a malicious, and merciless sociopath who has been known to spook the blackest of hearts; such are the insane ways of the dark prince. Truly he is a twisted being, harming others just for the evil enjoyment and the thrill. The victims of the insane prince are only kept alive so long as their pain amuses their captor. He doesn’t react to pain, though he feels it, he could keep going even if he was full of arrows and stabbed to hell. Predatory urges never allow him to stay dormant for long, for he ends up craving chaos and discord. Lusting after the achievement of his every desire, he is the aspect of hedonism given physical form.

Geist is a prince, but he is a heathen, and a savage. It is difficult for him to abide by courtly rules. His respect for most of those above him was destroyed when all throughout his life he had to defend what was his from the figureheads of Lucifer’s court, who wanted to take advantage of his adolescence, and absence of his parents. Because of his mother’s brutal murder, and the mysterious disappearance of his father, Geist inherited his kingdom from the time he was a child. His distrust, paranoia, and disrespect for authority roots from those who tried to murder him for his assets. So his loyalties are to his self-benefit, the benefit of his assets, and the benefit of his Goddess. He cares not what anyone else thinks, especially those above him, and he has the power to back up his unruly actions. Most underestimate him because of his adolescence, but they are sadly mistaken. Lucifer once tested him by stealing and torturing his betrothed, and Geist reacted by laying siege upon the dark lord’s palace, and got far enough to breach the infamous palace, lay waste to most of the high ranking henchmen, murder a top general, and cut out a lock of Lilith’s hair while she slept, then retreat back to his own kingdom with a bounty of treasure all on his own. Though he is young, he is a force to be reckoned with.

Because his trust was destroyed by Lucifer and his court, it is difficult to become close to the Prince. He always has his guard up, and puts walls between himself and others. However, he can be social depending on his mood. Attempting to be a solitary creature does not help him, because he always unintentionally draws others towards himself, being of pure incubus blood. His heritage calls to him, fills him with a drive fuled by ravenous urges to hunt, or sate his lust, usually leading him to wander from his castle out into the wild.
If you’re lucky enough, once he allows you to break through his barriers, crumble the walls he puts up, and convince him to give in to you, allowing you exclusive access to be close to him, it is like he is an entirely different creature.

What exists of his heart bleeds passionately and loyally for those who are his, for his Kingdom, and for those who show him undying loyalty. He shares his spoils of war with his comrades, his people, and his Goddess. He takes cares of all who follow and support him and sees to it that his kingdom thrives and flourishes, and that everyone within it has their heart's desires.

To his people he is a hero, a valiant figurehead, and a feared and respected ruler.
To everything and everyone else, he is an ice cold tyrant that shows no mercy.

Join him, or die.

Special Abilities/Powers/AND ALL THAT JAZZ:

Geist's Summon(s):
Geist has the power to summon the Norse God, Odin, through an enchanted item he has acquired called "Odin's Globe". It is a crimson, crystallized eye suspended from a golden chain and worn as an earring in his left ear.

How did he come across this object? It was when he was merely 500 years old. Geist stumbled upon the fatally wounded Odin, who had just lost a battle with Fenrir. Stricken with wrath, the dieing deity called upon the passing demon for help and struck a deal with him. If Geist kept him alive and fed him enough souls until he recovered, so that he may exact his revenge on Fenrir, in return Odin would grant Geist his abilities and protection, not to mention the use of his six legged mount, Sleipnir. Geist graciously accepted the offer. So Odin plucked out his only eye and handed it to Geist, then died. The deity's fiery eye was the source of all his power, and now it is all that remains of him, thus containing his dormant soul.

This is one of the main reasons why Geist goes on rampages at any given time to slay vast amounts of victims. It is in order to sacrifice them to Odin to keep the contract between he and the God alive. He wears Odin's eye as an earring, and energizes it with souls.

If enough souls have been gathered, then Odin or his steed Sleipnir who is linked to him, are strong enough to be summoned when needed. The deity also comes out on his own if he feels like it. He constantly talks to Geist. They are close companions.

In order to call Odin, Geist recites a summon spell.
"Ancient deity blessed in sleep. Awaken, for I your sword doth keep."

When summoning a god, the physical form, or rather a silhouette of the god Geist calls upon will flicker behind him while the spell is being conjured. To prevent the spell, you could try to attack the flickering silhouette of the elemental god that's behind Geist. If done properly, the spell is nullified and the God can't come out.

------------everything below this line is UNDER CONSTRUCTION-----------------

Elemental Powers:

Fire: Geist can create a flame out of thin air from his eyes, mouth, palms, feet, and tail. He can also create flames using his aura. Fire is a natural element to him, because he is a demon of lust, however it is not his main source of energy, so he doesn't rely on it. He is resistant to his own flames, but can be burned by the flames of another.

Static Shock: When Geist transforms into his final form, his body is charged with all of the electricity he naturally stored over periods of rest. If he comes into contact with anything, it will be shocked. He can even summon a single bolt from the sky, which he never aims at anyone else but himself. It is for the single purpose of giving himself an extra charge. He then mixes his electrical energy with his antimatter attacks.

Powers that come to him Naturally:

  • Venom:
    Geist is highly poisonous, and it is a hereditary trait of which he inherited from his father. Toxic to the core, he has control over a vast array of poisons that his body creates. One could come into contact with these toxins in three different ways.

    1.) If you are bitten you may or may not be susceptible but that only depends on whether or not he decides to secrete the toxin from his fangs into the wound. He has the ability to choose which of his toxins to inject his victim with. After receiving a bite, the side effects vary from mind control links, sigils, extreme illness that causes convulsions, to a toxin that would burn through flesh from the inside out.

    2.) When he chooses to, his body secretes a toxin that coats his talons, sometimes so much so that it drips from the points of his claws. If snagged by his venom glossed talons, the side effects are either extreme illness or a flesh eating toxin.

    3.) If stung by the sharp spade of his tail, one is susceptible to a deadly toxin that causes illness so extreme, it brings the victim to the very brink of death. The razor sharp scales that compose the edges of his spade are only poisonous should he secrete his venom onto the scales.

    4.) If Geist is wounded and bleeding, he can mix his venom with his blood to create a toxin that turns to acid when it meets oxygen.

  • Seduce/Manipulate: His gaze can hypnotize, and before you know it, you have been sliced open and are bleeding to death. The best way to avoid this is to divert your eyes from his, or wear a holy relic.

  • Invisibility: Geist can vanish from sight but still be present.

  • Energy Drain: This is his natural feeding process. He grabs a hold of you and sucks out your life energy through his lips or hands. Say goodbye to your soul!

  • Demonic Haunting:Telekinesis/ Psychokinesis; The movement of objects by scientifically inexplicable means, as by the exercise of an occult power.The purported ability to move or deform inanimate objects, as metal spoons, through mental processes.

  • Gravija: Based on the above ability he can also use his powers to crush things. He is not as developed with them as his father.

  • Telepathy: Communication between minds by some means other than sensory perception.

Dark Matter {Only to be used in his final form}:

All mortals and angels under God are created from positive matter.
All creations under Lucifer are composed of negative matter.

Born of the negative elements, Geist can harness the power of ANTIMATTER.
He does so with the use of his aura. He makes his negative spirit energy whirl around in a tiny ball, which causes it to collide with all the positive energy around it.
He speeds up the process, colliding the pos & neg particles traveling at very high rates until they "annihilate" creating antimatter. All matter is obliterated, radiation and energy is left behind. A small ball of glowing dark matter is formed and he suspends it in mid air over the palm of his hand. He can catapult it at any target of his choosing. Once the antimatter comes in contact with matter, it will explode and obliterate a small patch of matter. That means it would take a good chunk out of your body before imploding in on itself.

Ultimate Finishing Move:

Dark Matter Star:
Geist uses his aura to create antimatter again, however he uses all of the aura surrounding his body to whirl about himself and collide with positive particles at high rates. This results in a giant ball of Dark Matter. The sheer size of the ball determines how devastating its effects can be. Geist then launches the mass of energy off of himself at his target. Once coming into contact with matter, the ball of antimatter explodes with the same effects as a chemical explosion. The results would be shock waves, scorching air, radiation, and gravity crashing down on all sides. It then creates a black hole and implodes, sucking everything inside of itself until nothing remains. It would leave a craters in its wake.

Special Defences: It is not wise to use the element lightning on Geist. His mother was a storm witch with that power, so it energizes him rather than harms him. Geist feeds off of electricity, souls and human energy, not mortal food. Food is only a pleasurable luxury. He also cannot be poisoned.

Weaknesses: Anything Holy, whether it be an item or a power. He is also weak against Ice, because he is of a fire element. Ice can also stop him momentarily if he is encased in it. That is, until he melts it. Geist is also weak against large amounts of water. Fire can only evaporate so much of it at a time. Grab and yank his tail and it will momentarily stun him. However doing so is not wise, because then you will deal with a very angry demon. He is very weak against sleep potions. He will be affected by a sleep potion EVERY time you use it, which can be quite comical.

Weapons: Two Scimitars cross on his back. A ข้อมูลดาบ ( or harpe ) sword rests at his hip. ( it looks this but with an eyeball in the design ) And then he sometimes carries his father's scythe. Usually, Geist uses his natural weapons to fight, and his blades are used only when needed.

Quirks: Whenever he sits in a well lit room the lights flicker, or any electrical appliances go haywire because he is feeding from the electric current and storing energy in his body. Geist loves cigarettes, but unlike any normal human being, cigarettes are harmless to his body, the smoke and tar actually make his body healthier. Food is a luxury for him, not a necessity, he only consumes it for pleasure and taste whenever he does. One of his favorite normal foods are cherries. He also favors rice and most of all, meat. Geist is obsessed with explosions, and one of his favorite things to do is blow things up. He hates being touched without his permission, or even looked at. So he will growl at you and possibly break your wrist. When Geist falls asleep to recuperate, he has the ability to sleep for day or months, to even years on end.

Enchanted Item (s):
Odin's Globe.

Ghost of War
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Ghost of War
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  • User Comments: [28] [add]
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Tue Apr 15, 2008 @ 01:10am
    Makes me wonder what would happen if a pure, innocent being forgave him of his sins. >.> heart

    commentCommented on: Tue Apr 15, 2008 @ 01:14am
    Hmmm nice, though if we ever rp together again I will keep with the Nosferatu name, and I will be coming for you.

    Legato Nosferatu
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    Star x Apple~
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    commentCommented on: Tue Apr 15, 2008 @ 01:17am
    Your rp character could beat up my rp character T^T

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    'Oh Ham Sandwich,' He Cries, 'Thou Art More Beautiful Than Roses.'
    commentCommented on: Tue Apr 15, 2008 @ 01:23am
    In all honesty Paniel, I think he would fall hard for her. wink

    Legato, its on b***h. mad

    Courtney who, I heart you. Too much for this demon to ever to such. >;D

    Ghost of War
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    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Tue Apr 15, 2008 @ 01:36am
    "DOMO! Hard Gay FOOOOO! Ello I Razor Ramon wish to comment on this man among men and offer him this challenge!" He grabs a table and bends over it. "To come get some FOOOO!"

    commentCommented on: Tue Apr 15, 2008 @ 01:36am
    I'd think that she'd fall for him, too. redface heart

    Community Member
    Ghost of War
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Tue Apr 15, 2008 @ 01:39am
    *pulls out a grenade* O_O DON'T YOU COME NEAR ME..

    * grabs Paniel by the waist possessively* ...or my woman..

    commentCommented on: Tue Apr 15, 2008 @ 01:41am
    Hard Gay stands up and rips open his leather vest to show off his Ghost of War Tattoo then begins to do his famous crotch thrust."FOOOOOOO!Ok?"

    Community Member
    Ghost of War
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Tue Apr 15, 2008 @ 01:42am
    pulls the pin on the grenade

    commentCommented on: Tue Apr 15, 2008 @ 01:47am
    H.G. Tackles the Gheist for some Hard Gay Lovin! heart -Censored-

    Community Member
    Ghost of War
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Tue Apr 15, 2008 @ 01:51am
    gonk GET OFF MY n****e JESUS CHRIST! * feeds you explosives and escapes with the trigger button* twisted

    commentCommented on: Tue Apr 15, 2008 @ 01:54am
    He comes charging out of the flames with nothing on but his sun glasses and hat. "FOOOOOO!"

    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Tue Apr 15, 2008 @ 01:55am
    @ Ghostie: Who's the crazy man? O.O

    commentCommented on: Tue Apr 15, 2008 @ 01:57am
    I DON'T KNOW!! gonk *throws orbs of fire at hardgay*

    Pani halp gonk gonk gonk gonk

    Ghost of War
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    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Tue Apr 15, 2008 @ 01:59am
    -Rubs the fire it- It burns with my passion for Geist!

    commentCommented on: Tue Apr 15, 2008 @ 02:03am

    Ghost of War
    Community Member
    Legato Nosferatu
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Tue Apr 15, 2008 @ 02:14am
    You should so feel great respect you got hit on by the hero of Japan bro -snicker snicker-

    commentCommented on: Tue Apr 15, 2008 @ 02:18am
    I actually feel as if I'm going to vomit. =_@ I don't care if he's a hero, I'm a villain, & I'll kill him one of these days.

    Ghost of War
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    ann hiro
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    commentCommented on: Sat Apr 26, 2008 @ 08:12am
    You should seriously read the Elric Saga, it will give you some inspiration and your character sounds a lot like Elric, though you guys oppose each other in hair and skin color completely since he is an albino. xD

    commentCommented on: Wed Dec 22, 2010 @ 03:24am
    LMFAO that gay dude in you comments....XD

    Me, Quen, and Vasarra have been disucsing heaven.

    I noticed that Geist is a Hellfire Seraphim. I was wondering about that. What is a Hellfire Seraphim and how is Geist one?

    We've been talking about things and we decided that one cannot be a Seraphim by lineage. To be a Seraphim one had to be originally created by god as a Seraphimn. It does not make sense for Geist to be a Seraphimn, because he was not cast out of heaven.

    Did you know that angels were made beneath humans as far as importance?

    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Wed Dec 22, 2010 @ 03:56am
    LMFAO rofl yea that gay dude.....I think I peed on myself .______.

    Ghost of War
    Coiling seven feet behind his beastly body, is one of his most deadly appendages; flexible, dexterous, powerful, and tipped with an impaling spade, he can use his tail like a deadly weapon.

    You know....if it wasn't for the fact that you mentioned it was his TAIL..............................

    commentCommented on: Wed Dec 22, 2010 @ 06:26am
    Helliouse I've explained what a hellfire seraphim is countless countless countless times. I seriously tire of repeating it. lmfao

    It is the OPPOSITE of a holy seraphim, meaning it is NOT an angelic Seraphim, it is a DEMONIC Seraphim.

    It has been established that for every holy person place or thing, and even holy times/hours, there is an unholy counterpart.

    So a hellfire seraphim is a holy seraphim's counterpart.
    It is basically a six winged demon with a high ranking power equivalent to that of a seraphim.

    Asmodeus, his father, was an arch angel, and he fell, the holy power becoming corrupted, but still he had his genetic traits. Asmodeus was created that way. He procreated, and his son was born with six wings, the wings being a genetic trait, holding massive power.

    Obviously, Geist was born a demon NOT an angel, so therefore he is not a Seraphim, he is an Anti-Seraphim, the unholy counterpart, and WOULD HAVE been a Seraphim, IF he were born an angel...

    Nice to know you're working on heaven. I've been busting my a** irl. gonk

    ............. get your mind out of the gutter Quenthal... lmfao

    Ghost of War
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    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Wed Dec 22, 2010 @ 10:58pm
    I will respond to you when I recuperurate.. QQQqqqqjdjl...quuuuen jjjjjust madee me run 2j22two miles OUTSISDE!!!!SKL WEARIIINGS ssORTS!!!!JSKE FREEZING...OMG Queeen is shaking so bad she can't talk..... Mylegs look like tomatoes...and I am half naked.... I will never claim to bbe cold againnn and nebsk nerver join the armyh.....,./11111211111!!!!!!!!

    commentCommented on: Thu Dec 23, 2010 @ 07:04am
    ............LMFAO she turned drill sergeant on you!

    Ghost of War
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    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Thu Dec 23, 2010 @ 07:14pm
    I am sorry if I bothered you by asking a question, didn't think it would be a big deal. I have never seen anything posted up about the Seraphims and neither has Quenthal for that matter.

    "Like the fallen Seraphim he is,"

    The way you described Geist in your profile suggested he fell from grace and it confused me. I also said that the way things are looking with heaven right now, Vasarra, Quen, and I are planning to make it where Seraphims can't pass their traits onto their children. There were only going to be a specific number of them created. They are extremely rare.

    Unless, Hellfire Seraphim are different and are able to pass on their traits which is completely up to you.

    Quen and I figured out a lot Wednesday...Holy s**t...about Belphegor's Kingdom and the upcoming war in general, and Ulvira's part in it. We will type it up for you so you don't get overwhelmed. Lol

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