Snowy Finale
The window sees into my soul as it collects the snow
I move at mach speed into the blizzard of doom
On toward my destination where I am not to learn but know
As onward 'ho I boldly go into the darkness that does loom.
Nuclear fallout more welcome today would be I think
The warmer weather that burns the skin instead of freeze
Into the leather do I, while into the snow do we, sink
Tires slip in all, four to death yet one to fall, victim to the breeze.
About me swirls the darkest cloud of impending death
My final bout with the reaper may prove me to lose
Blinded by the cold, my eyes, my heart, we take our last breath
OH! but a scapegoat why do I not have to use.
As I cry my final cry of life, of death, of hope
As my fleeting senses fail me one, by one, bye one
I realize my aches, my pains, my feelings no more hurt but broke
I realize the summer sun shines brightest just before its done.
The poem "Snowy Finale" is a poem about life, death, and driving to school in the snow. The poem is filled to the brim with imagery and explicit details That put the reader in the driver's seat. Although it is ment to be a blur of action one feels every chilling detail as if he /she was in the situation. the relationships between the images and the poet's emotions may not be as clear as intended; however, interpretation is the backbone of poetry.
First the images depictd in the poem are intended to put the reader in a blizzard. "The window sees into my soul as it collects the snow" is the first image, used to have the reader look into his or her own soul as they begin to identify with the poem. Next, moving into the blizzard toward "where I am not to learn but know" sets the setting. The setting of an abnormal drive to school. A place where one is not supposed to learn nor understand, but just know.
In the following stanza the driver wishes it were warmer right before the unthinkable happend. "Into the leather... into the snow do we, sink" describes the person sinking into the seat as the car sinks into the frozen road. Soon afterwards the tires slip. "four to death yet one to fall" is about the tires sliding but the driver is the onlyone who has to fear death. The impending danger has about reached its climax.
The third stanza depicts a now exdriver, thrown from his vehicle. Freezing in the frigid snow, having one of those why me why now moments. The reader then feels the frozen claws of death at thier heart as they read "my final cry of life, of death, of hope". In the final moments, "one, by one, bye one", bye one shows the driver's giving up of life. And as death's icy grip tightens, along with the driver one realizes that the sun shines the brightest right before the end.
One feels like they are taking that big breath before a dive or gripping that baseball extra tight before the final pitch of the game. The driver basks in the brightest sunlight he will see before he dies. the poem was about driving to school in the snow. However it was also written to convince readers not to wait for the dive to take that big breath. "Dont wait until the end to take in as much of life as you can"
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