I'm African American & Caucasian (Black+White), 16 going on 17 in may, I'm an
11th grader in High School obviously, I love sports of all kinds, I'm " Physically Fit "
(Madagascar), Ohh speaking of being fit, I made a promise to myself that I would
never let myself get fat, I don't want to grow up to be one of those fat lazy men
out there with beer bellies......lol, the sports I like playing include
Baseball, Soccer, Football, and Baseball. I am the type of person who you can
trust and depend on. I am very grateful for friends and family and
wouldn't change any of them for the world. I have 4 brothers and one sister but
their names are confidential due to the perves out there, ok so back to what I was
saying, my friends and family are my life. Ohh I love hanging out with friends, I
swear I could honestly say I go to the movies and mall every Saturday and hang
with the same idiots I always do(there not really idiots)I love going out......that's all
I'm going to say is out, I'm not telling you where but out...lol..jk....I am really serious
about my schooling, because without a good education and good grades your life
WILL be a hard one.....I recently found out so much about colleges and
acceptance percentages and it's very hard getting into a good college if you don't
apply yourself and do your school work. I know for a fact that i'm going to college
no matter what and am going to finish. This dude will not drop out, EVER. I want to
go to FSU and if you don't know where it's at or what it is it's Florida State
University in Tallahassee, Ohh and don't get your hopes up I don't live there but I
want to go there...lol, if this is boring you I don't care because I warned you it was
all about me but just because I don't want to make a bad impression I'll spice things
up a bit. I am 16 as I said and I believe and have been told I look wink GOOD
wink Ohh and yes I am bow legged, biggrin , so I have an idea exclaim , Why don't I stop
here and just post a continuation later......I'm kinda tired of typeing, but until next
exclaim exclaim YOUR IN VINCSANITY exclaim exclaim