There was a cold night. Cold as ice from the ice age years ago. A young man walked mournfully down the dead like streets of a town that now never smiles. During the walk the wind blew gentle fully touching his cold pale cheek like if it was a kiss. He walked along the riverside; not a living thing made a sound to his Despair. He stopped at an old weeping tree. He climbed it. He sat on the branch were he saw the full moon's reflection on the river's wet mirror. Dark Blue night was like a shadow non-moving is still thick fog. The young man looked up at the lonely moon. For too the moon and man shared one thing they were both alone. The moon had Earth, but clouds can be Evil. As he looked, Dark gloomy clouds surrounded the moon. Slowly, they swallowed the moon up. All went black. He looked down, one tear down his cheek, like his beloved. The tear hit the ground, swallowed by the Earth like his beloved........ Never to return.