I've been having more problems. My uncle promised me that he would take care of my little brothers. he is very ashamed of his older brother for abusing the rest of the family like this. I think my father has a bipolar disorder sometimes...he found out that I took the rest of the family away from him and began to start hitting my mother, thinking that she had some play in it. fortunately I got there in time and told him that i was solely responsible for this.
My father then began to beat me. but I will not give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry out in pain or tears running down my face from the pain. My mother managed to avoid terrible hurts.
Why does Allah punish this family so? Is it because I'm gay that those who are defenseless suffer? crying
The Dead Terrorist Achmed · Sat Apr 19, 2008 @ 07:22am · 3 Comments |