You know there are two kinds of fanfic writers, those that believe that any fanfic should religiously follow the book/show/movie/whatever that it is based on . . . and then there are those that believe that anything goes.
'What make the two mortal enemies have the hawt sexors for each other? Oh, why not?!' lol
And MPREG, don't get me started on MPREG. rolleyes That so called pregnant man (really just a transgender (transexual?) woman who hadn't gone all the way yet) the first time I heard about her/him my first thought was 'Oh no, now all the teeny MPREGgers will be saying "I told you so!"'
Anywho (can you tell I'm only in this for the gold? wink ) I stand firmly in the Nazi follow the storyline fold . . . except for Star Wars. I don't know why but everytime I tried to write a proper Star Wars story it failed. Then I went in the naughty direction of just making it up and bugger the storyline and voila! instant parody/funny story. Does that make me a hypocrite?
P.S Check out my tat! I have a Gaia tat!! razz
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The Rambling Musings of GeekyTanta
Call it a 'stream of consciousness'. It can be anything, anytime, mostly here.
A bit of rambling, some ranting and general stuff I stumble across through the net.
And, hopefully *fingers crossed* some writing, too.
Absinthe makes the mind go wander.
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