Greetings and Salutations
wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance
Greetings and Salutations, to the fool treading where most should fear to even enter. I am (I Must Confess) a bit angry and bitter at the moment as to the reason I even have this mule account.
However in time (most likely when this is whole mess is fixed) I will get better.
So on to more important things like why you are here?
Well I'd be more then happy to keep you entertained with hardy and well-revised intelligent conversation filled with big words and deep meanings but you my sad, sad friend have clearly come to the WRONG place if that is what you quest for.
So out, Out, OUT!........are they gone?........good, as for the rest of you who have come searching to listen to the entertaining (though slightly insane) ramblings of a cannibalistic poptart,
Then I will be more then happy to struggle free of the straight jacket holding me at bay once a week to comply (It would be more then that but the pills only allow me so much free will) so please pull up a chair, get comfy and enjoy the ride....
wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance heart wahmbulance