ahhgghh.. i have sore throat _-_ it hurtss.. i keep rubbing my neck. -.- its because my sis left the window open last night and didnt close it, so i had to close the window in the morning..
I types more on boring/depressing/uninteresting days D:<
DAMMNIT i cant sing D: or talk a lot D:.. damn sore throat D:
also last night. my sis hellllaah scared me with a screamer and she asked "hey is that halo?" in this video then she walked away, then a pic of a dead girl popped out screaming D:< x_x
i couldnt sleep for 3 hours when i woke up at 1am - another reason i woke up. went back to sleep for one hour. then woke up ;p
while i was eating breakfast, my grandma was all talking about how she was picking up cans in the park..
a girl (student) never came home that day and her mom found her in the park smoking cocain and other drugs. the girl was like to her mom, going home.. but her mom says oh no you are not coming home. the mom calls 911 and tells them to take her daughter to jail. the police ask the mom questions and shes like "If my daughter did this, I was never involved." so the police just put the daughter in handcuffs and took her o;.. I think it was the mother's responsibility for her daughter..
i feel like on crack today so much. (not really really..) but this day sucked so much O:< i dont know why, but i just think so.
PLEASE. please. remind me to be more flexible when im starting to get emotional.
i have feelings problems thingy-ma-jiggy's o_- and i wish i never had any. cause it hurts.
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