Blackness of the light-hearted.
My mother was a vampire, my father, was a human, he was my mothers “chew toy”. My father killed my mother when he found out her secret. He tried to kill me too, but I was too quick, I ran into the basement, grabbed a shotgun, and I waited. It didn’t take long before he came into the basement looking for me. “Piper” he called. “Come on out I’m not gonna hurt you.” Silently I snuck up behind him while he spoke.
“Yeah right dad I saw what you did to mom.” I said. As he turned to look at my face his eyes met mine. He gasped. My eyes were red and full of rage and anger.
“I’m sorry you had to see that piper-
“Save it! I’m part vampire too!” suddenly the gun rang in my hands, and my beloved murderer of a father fell on the floor…….dead.
I woke up screaming, Jordan was up beside me, when I quieted down, he held me close to his chest, and rocked me while I cried against his chest. When I finally stopped crying he asked me, “Piper, you need to see a doctor for these dreams you’ve been having.”
“I know……..but I don’t have the money, or the time, Because of the stupid vampires!!!!!”
“Honey, they are YOUR people.”
“I know I just can’t go to the doctor…….Jordan I’m scared.” “They are your people and one day you will take control over them.”
“I know, but what if they kill you when I’m not looking?”
“They wouldn’t, because I’m yours and you’re their soon to be ruler.”
Chapter one
I ran as fast as I could, but I knew I would have to push myself more if I was gonna catch this vampire. I ran and I jumped into the air doing a front flip, bringing down the vampire, as I did this I brought my blades down into the monsters heart. My words while I did this were “sorry bro.” As he turned to ash underneath me I could hear Jordan’s breath. “One down one million to go,” Jordan laughed. We walked in silence. In the distance I heard a scream, a woman’s scream. I took off running again, heading in the direction of the screams. As I turned the corner, I saw a young girl about eighteen years old on the ground holding her neck, there was blood squeezing through her fingers.
As I carried her down the road, she fell into a deep sleep. When I walked in the door, shadow ran up and smelled the girl; a growl in the back of his throat rose up into a bark. “What’s wrong with shadow, piper?” Jordan asked looking at the girl in my arms.
“This girl was bit by a vampire, she might change soon, we can’t let that happen, get the serum.” Jordan ran into the bathroom and grabbed a vial with an orangish, yellowish liquid. He came into the room and poured the substance down into the girl’s mouth.
The girl woke up, and she got out of the bed and walked over to me. She gently touched my shoulder, I jumped up and pulled my blades out and pointed them at her, then I looked into her eyes, they were full of fear, hurt, and confusion. “Sorry, you startled me,” I said as I put my blades away.
“Oh…….I’m sorry, where am I?”
“My house, Safe with me and my husband, and our dog.”
“Oh. You saved me, I remember you!”
“Yes I saved you; do you remember anything that happened?” I motioned her to a chair next to me, she sat down.
“Um well I was walking in the alley and a handsome young man about nineteen years old, walked up to me, he asked me if I could take him to the diner down about five blocks from the alley.”
“Then what happened?”
“We walked and talked, then………then he grabbed me by my shoulders and turned me to face him. Then he leaned in and kissed me, I kissed him back. He backed me up against the wall, and started to kiss me down my jaw until he got to my neck. Then he…….he bit me,” she put her head in her hands and began to shake.
“I heard you scream……you need to watch yourself better.”
“I know.”
“What is your name?”
“I’m piper and my husbands name is Jordan. How old are you?”
“I’m eighteen. How old are you and Jordan?”
“I’m nineteen and Jordan is twenty.”
“You guys are so young. A little too young to hunt vampires don’t you think?” she said looking at me, it was a challenge.
“Sweetie, I’ve been hunting vampires since I was seven, I think I know more about them than you.” I said giving her a cool look.
As I lay in my bed reading a book, Jordan came in. “Piper, Isabel is asleep.”
“That’s good…..”
“What’s wrong?”
“She told me how she was attacked…..I know who it was.”
“Who is it?”
“Who’s Charlie?”
“The vampire who tried to make me love him.”
Jordan climbed into the bed beside me. “You know we still haven’t discussed having kids.” Jordan said with a mischievous smile on his face. I playfully punched him in the arm. “I told you a thousand times, I’m not ready for kids, not with us chasing vampires.” We fell into a deep slumber with his arms around me in a protective way.
I woke up to shadow’s growling, I knew something was wrong.
I walked into the kitchen and I saw Isabel sprawled on the floor, a needle not even 2 feet from her hand…drugs.
“Jordan!” I yelled as I pulled Isabel’s head into my lap. I heard his footsteps coming toward the kitchen where we were. He saw me and Isabel; he also saw my eyes full of confusion, hurt, and even a little rage.
“What happened piper?”
“I think it was drugs that she injected into herself, take this to a lab and find out what was in it,” I said as I handed him the needle.
“You got it.”
I sat there looking at Isabel’s face. How could she sleep knowing she has tried to kill herself? I wondered as Jordan walked into the room.
“Heroin,” He said looking at a file, which was probably the lab result.
“What? She was injecting her self with heroine?” I almost screamed as I spoke. “Stupid,” I mumbled.
Isabel began stir, her eyes fluttered open. I coughed, she looked directly at me.
“You have issues,” I told her.
“Excuse me?”
“You do drugs, you kissed a total stranger, and you have 3 needles of heroin in your purse.”
“You went through my purse?”
“Yes….and I know who attacked you.”
“Who attacked me?”
“That’s for me to know and you to never find out,” I said as I walked out of the room.
“Jordan…I’ll be home around midnight.”
“Where are you going?”
“To deal with something, actually someone; don’t follow me.”
“Be careful.”
I leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips. Then I turned and grabbed my blades and my gun, and walked out the door.
“Come on answer the phone Charlie.”
“Piper….what do you want?”
“How did you know it was me?”
“I’d know your voice anywhere.”
“Meet me at the church on 24th street.”
“Why should I? Oh I get it you just want me back.”
“Hahahaha, you’re hilarious, just come on over here I’m waiting for you.”
“Ok I’ll be there”
I sat in a dark corner in the Lady of Sorrow’s church, waiting for my prey. I heard footsteps, but no breathing, he was here. “Time to play,” I smiled a mischievous smile as I whispered this.
I waited till he was in my sight, I walked over to him. As I walked toward him, I saw a white bundle in his arms. “What is it,” I thought.
“Piper, I believe you left this with me.” He said as he handed me the bundle. I gently pulled the white blanket over and in my arms was a baby, my baby.
“Charlie, why did you bring her?”
“Well she’s your baby.”
I turned and walked away, I was to sick and upset to look or talk to him. I walked down the street to my home, with a sleeping baby in my arms. What was I going to tell Jordan?
Chapter two
“You have a baby?” Jordan said with a surprised look on his face.
“Since when?”
“Since ten months ago.”
“What? You had a baby before we got married?” he asked in a cold and icy tone.
“Jordan I told you he wanted me to love him, and I did for a while until I met you and had her.” I said my tone as icy as his.
“You could have told me!”
“You’re right I could’ve told you. But she was an accident! Look I’m not going to argue with you about this, now we can raise her as if you are her father or I can raise her and you will just be a stepparent, your choice.”
He began to pace he was really concentrating.
“Alright she will be our child.”
“Well you got your wish we have a kid.”
Jordan didn’t look at me or even talk to me that much. But I could tell he loved our daughter, Lauren, like she was his own child.
“Why aren’t you happy we have Lauren?” I said when I walked up beside him to make me some coffee.
“I am happy.”
“No you’re not, because if you were then you would be talking to me and spending more time with the both of us.”
“You’re right I’m not happy because you didn’t tell me you had her!”
“Well excuse me for getting pregnant accidentally!”
“Whatever.” Now that made me mad. I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him against me, he was so close I could feel his breath on my face.
“Jordan, I love you….nothing is ever going to change that.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive.” I said, then I rested my head on his shoulder, I was tired I haven’t fed in six days. Jordan realized what was wrong, picked me up, set me on the couch and went to get a pack of blood out of the fridge.
“How’s Isabella?” I asked.
“She’s fine. I think she’s still in shock from us realizing that she was doing heroin.”
“She has no brain……I’m going to go do a record check on her.” I said getting up from the couch.
“Ok. I think it’s time to get Lauren, so I’ll go get her.”
“Her name is Isabella Rodriguez, born in New York, raised in Montana. She went to prison twice in two years, one for drug abuse, and one for car jacking. Dang this girl is very, very stupid. What’s the point of having a life------- I asked Jordan when I walked into the bedroom; he had Lauren in his lap.
“Mama!” she said almost falling over trying to crawl over to me.
“Hi baby,” I said while picking her up. “How’s my big girl?”
“Good.” She said patting her tummy. “Daddy got me so food.”
“Well that’s good, but it’s almost your bed time.” She began to pout. She was so adorable when she pouted.
Jordan could see from the look in my eyes that there was another, another vampire, for me to go kill. He came and took Lauren out of my hands and put her to bed.
“Who is it this time?” he asked wanting to know what I was up against.
“So far I know his name is Josh, he has a lip ring. So he should be easy to find.” I said not looking at Jordan; I was looking at the room Isabel was in.
“Jordan is it just me or is Isabel being a little too quiet?”
“Let’s go check.” We walked silently to the door and I gently pushed it open. I could hear her breathing; she was asleep.
“Well at least we got her the serum before she could change.” He said trying to cheer me up.
“Yeah,” I said walking into our bedroom, “I have to find something to wear.” I said looking through my clothes. After about twenty minutes I finally decided on an ac-dc shirt and jeans.
“He’s at the bar off i28.” I told Jordan, it was easy for me to find because that’s where all my victims go; just to find a midnight snack. Before I grabbed my purse, I walked over to Jordan, who was sitting on our couch, and sat in his lap. I twisted until my face was eye level to his.
“I love you,” I whispered as I pulled his face to mine.
“I love you too,” he said just before our lips met. When our lips met the same sweet sting that had run through me the first time we kissed ran through me again. I pulled away reluctantly, and got up, grabbed my purse, a knife and walked out the door.
As I walked into the bar, I smelled beer, sweat, and even a hint of perfume. I could see Josh on the other side of the bar, looking straight at me. He motioned me to come over there. I put up a finger to tell him to hold on. I walked up the bartender and ordered a beer. When I got my beer I walked over to Josh whose eyes never left my face. I knew what he was thinking, but did he know what I was thinking? I sat on the stool next to him and set my beer down.
“Hi.” He said.
“Hey.” I said in a sweet, innocent voice.
“So are you from here?” he asked looking at my pale neck. I was hoping that he would try to get me to get out of the bar with him. And after about an hour he finally asked. So here I am in the car with a vampire who will soon be wishing he had never been alive, I plan to torture him until he begs me to kill him. He parked in front of this old worn down house. What would we be doing in here? I wondered when we got out. I heard him come up behind me, but I didn’t pay attention, my attention was on the house; for some reason this house seemed so familiar. Suddenly, I feel Josh pick me up, and hold me in an unbreakable hold until we got to a room upstairs where he set me down on a mattress. I would let him have his way first, and then it’s my turn. I closed my eyes and felt him fumble with my jeans.
“You seem to like this,” he said noticing the smug smile on my face.
“Well, what you’re about to do to me will come back to haunt you.” I said opening my eyes and looking at his face. Before he could react, I kicked him in the jaw with my right foot. As he stumbled back I zipped up my jeans and crouched down, ready to pounce if he comes near me. He spit out blood on the floor.
“You’re gonna wish you never did that, girl,” he said charging at me. I punched my left fist into his face, as he grabbed my hair and pulled. I gasped from the sharp pain in my hand; I broke my hand on his face! I brought my right knee up, hitting him where the suns don’t shine. He screamed and fell to the floor gasping, and holding himself. I stood above him and reached behind my back to grab my knife. As I grabbed it he began to wiggle so I clamped my legs tight around him, to hold him still so I could drive the knife through his heart. I slammed down the knife, with all the strength I had left, into his heart. He screamed a blood curdling scream as he turned to ash.
Chapter three
As I walked to the bar where my car was, I realized that I was crying, from the pain shooting up my arm. I got into the car and drove home. As I walked into the door shadow came and jumped on me hitting my hand, I screamed in pain. Jordan came running out of our bedroom. He gave me a confused look, and then he looked down and saw my hand. He came over and gently picked my hand up, I gasped. He looked up at me and motioned me to go sit down. He turned on the light as I sat down on the couch. He sat down beside me and took my hand and examined it.
“What happened?” he asked looking at me.
“Josh grabbed me by the hair because I kicked him in the face, and when he pulled my hair I punched him in the face and my hand broke.” I said, wincing as he began to wrap up my hand. When he was done he just sat there holding my hand.
“Jordan, what’s wrong?” I asked, while putting my uninjured hand on his face.
“I got a call from the hospital, right after you left, my mom and dad died.” He said looking up at me. I could see the tears welting in his eyes. I pulled him to me, and he buried his face into the hollow part of my neck. I could feel his tears streaming down my neck and torso. I hugged him tight until he stopped shaking. He finally lifted his head from my shoulder, and began to wipe the tears from his face. I grabbed a blanket from behind the couch with my good hand and wrapped it around me and Jordan. We sat like that for about thirty minutes before I asked him to come to bed with me. Later, when the lights were out I curled up against Jordan and buried my face in his chest as he put his arm around me, to hold me to him.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered into his chest. He brought a hand up to my face and gently touched it, and then he put his hand under my chin and tilted my face up to look at him. As I looked into his eyes I saw something I didn’t want to see, anger. He brought his mouth down gently onto mine. I lifted my arm and put my hand on his cheek, and then it moved to the back of his head to hold him to me. When we pulled apart we were both trying to catch our breath.
I woke up to shadow’s kisses, some that were really slimy. I turned and expected to see Jordan lying beside me but I wasn’t shocked to see he wasn’t there; he obviously woke up with Lauren and let me sleep in after my rough night. I got out of the bed, walked across the room and grabbed my robe. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and made me some hot tea; Jordan and Lauren were eating cereal. Jordan had his eyes on my back as I poured my tea, I could feel them on me. I found his look uncomfortable when I turned around, he was watching my every move, analyzing me for some reason. I know he’s never seen that look of pain on my face before; I was really good at hiding my emotions.
Later on, in our bedroom I was getting clothes out of the closet when Jordan came in.
“What was that about?” I asked not looking at him.
“What was what about?” he asked giving me a confused look.
“Oh, don’t you play that look on me,” I said beginning to laugh, “why were you watching me like that?”
“Well, I was just seeing if it looked like you’ve had a kid.” He said looking down. I walked over to the bed and sat down beside him, and I ruffled his hair with my good hand while I asked,
“What does that have to do with anything? All this running around chasing vampires has got me my beautiful shape back.” He took my hand off his head and put it in his lap and rubbed his thumb over my knuckles but stopped at my ring finger, and saw my wedding ring; I had moved it over to the other hand so it would cause anymore pain to my left hand. It hurt really badly when I took it off. I pulled my hand away and used it to pull Jordan’s head over to me, to kiss me. A few seconds after our lips met, I began to fall back; pulling Jordan on top of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, while his hands went to my back to pull me more against him. A sound other than our harsh breathing brought me back to reality, I turned my head so I could see the door with one black eye; Isabel was standing in the doorway, watching us.
“Oh my God! Isabel in all your years of life didn’t you learn how to knock?” I asked getting angry; it was then that I realized that Jordan had got off me. Before I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, I walked over and shut the door, when I walked into the bathroom I looked in the mirror, and wasn’t surprised to see a transparent reflection, considering I’m half human, my reflection will still show a little bit. I picked up my toothbrush, and began brushing my teeth. Jordan walked into the bathroom and put his arms around my waist. He began kissing my neck, which really tickled, and I began to laugh. While I laughed I spit toothpaste on the mirror. When I bent over and spit out the rest of my toothpaste, I felt Jordan’s hands rub my hips. I began to feel all tingly. He began to pull me out of the bathroom; I relaxed against him as he slowly dragged me to the bed, where he laid me down. He leaned over kissed me, then he began kissing my neck, I felt a moan begin at the bottom of my throat. I blindly grabbed his head and pulled his mouth onto mine. I felt a fire ignite inside of me. He obviously could tell because he began to take off his shirt, and I began to take off mine. As I did this I blew out the candle on our night stand; the rest would happen in the dark.
I woke up and found Jordan’s hand resting on my naked hip. I turned and expected to find him asleep but he was awake and staring down at my face. I snuggled against him and he murmured something I couldn’t quite hear.
“What did you say?”
“I said last night was fun.” I began to giggle.
“Jordan,” I said picking my head up to look into his eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he said right before he kissed me. I began to lean against him as he pulled me to him to deepen our kiss. When we pulled apart we were both breathing hard. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He began to caress my cheek, my neck, my shoulders and my back. I closed my eyes and set my head on his shoulder. We heard Lauren begin to cry, we both sighed. I got up and wrapped a robe around me and walked out of the room to go get Lauren. When I came back Jordan had put on a pair of boxers and was sitting on the bed, looking at us. I set Lauren between me and Jordan and pulled the blankets up over my shoulders and Jordan did the same on his side of the bed, he reached over Laurens sleeping body and took hold of my hand and gave it a little squeeze. I wove my fingers into his and I squeezed back. When I was sure that they were both asleep I closed my eyes and went to sleep. When I woke up I found that Jordan and Lauren weren’t in the bed, I felt a leap of panic arising inside of me. Then I heard Jordan’s voice in the living room and I relaxed. I got up and slipped on a t-shirt. When I walked out of the bedroom, Lauren crawled over and wrapped herself around my legs in a hug. I smiled down at her. When I finally got her off of my leg, I walked into the kitchen and got an apple out of the fridge. I bit into the apple and chewed my eyes on Jordan’s face. He was watching Lauren do a puzzle. I looked up and saw Isabel walking out of the hallway. She gave me a look of alarm; she knew I was still mad at her. I watched her over my apple she shuddered when I coughed. I saw Jordan tense up when Lauren walked over to Isabel and hugged her. Isabel glanced at me then quickly turned away when I looked into her eyes. Shadow walked over to me and scratched my leg. I looked down at him and he ran to the back door; he had to use the bathroom.
When I turned around saw that Isabel had left, she probably went to her room. She’s been in there ever sense I found her passed out on the floor. Jordan just looked at me like I slapped him; I threw him a stare that asked “what?” I realized that I had finished my apple; I walked over to the trash can and threw the apple core away. I motioned Jordan to follow me into our bedroom. He put up a finger and picked up Lauren.
“Leave her with Isabel, she could use some company.” I said.
“Ok.” He said as he walked down the hall toward Isabel’s room. I walked into my room and took off my t-shirt, so I was only in my black bra and panties, and layed down on the bed. Jordan walked into the room and saw me. He walked over to the bed and layed down beside me and put his hand behind my neck. I looked into his eyes and smiled, he smiled back. He leaned down and kissed me; I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself up to meet his kiss. I pushed him onto his back, and I sat on top of him. When my lips found his again, I felt his hand run up and down the back of my leg. I rubbed my hands up and down his bare chest, I felt his muscles contract wherever my hands went. I smiled against his lips. I started to pull away but he put his hand on the back of my neck and held me to him. His lips slowly trailed down my pale neck, down to the top of my black bra. I felt him begin to pull back the cup, exposing my breast. I arched my back as he lowered his head to my breast. I heard a moan that I didn’t realize was mine.
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