You're probably wondering, for the most part why I'm current looking like this, indeed its a far stretch from my 'normal' attire. Well, its actually quite a long story, but for the sake of clarity, I'll keep it brief;
Every now and then, I experience strong urges, all creatures do at some point in time, and these usually can be satisfied by variable means. I assume, inadvertently, my companion increased its influence over me, thus bringing me to this state. While this form relies on lust in its purest incarnation... I have it under control somewhat... just don't get me 'excited'.
In other news;
After much study and deliberation, I've named this creature, 'Ririsu'.
As I stated in my last entry, she's progressing quite well, still sexual, but thats to be expected. She has distributed a strange aura, one that his visible, the purple haze that surrounds me is that aura. The only reason I can deduce is that, Ririsu reacting to my own desires...
Grrr... need a maiden... Ahhh, sorry, dears, urges randomly come and go...
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