It is 9:57 here in Canada and Rain is realy tired. *Yawns again*
Hello every one! This times journal entry is about.....*Drum roll* Questions buzzing in Rains head about sleep! And we star,
Why do we have to sleep? Why cant are body just grow with out sleep? Why must we get tired? Why do we dream? Why do we have to close are eyes to sleep? Do blind people dream? How come fish never sleep, make that, why dont fish BLINK!? Why do we yawn? *Yawns for the third time!* Why cant we stand up and sleep? Why do are feet fall usleep? Why do are feet feal tingley when they fall asleep? Why do we snore? Why do we drewl in are sleep? Why are teddys so comforting when we sleep? Why does the toothfairy have to come when were sleeping? Why does SANTA come when we are sleeping? Why do we not want to sleep at night but in the morning we want to sleep? *Yawns again* Why do people wet the bed when they are asleep? Why do we get scared of nightmares? Why do we sleep walk? How do people sleep walk? How come robers come in the morning now a day and not at night whe we are sleeping, like on t.v? *Yawns* Thats all for now!
It is now 10:15 in Canada...
I found the answer to why we yawn! To get cold air going into are brain to make us up! Ahh the wonders of internet!
Cudos to who ever can answer me any of these questions! Even BIGGER cudos to who ever can tell me how many questions i've asked about sleep!
Bye bye for now!
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