My Sweet Sam
Today was fairly boring. I had to go paint my ceramic hand for art class during lunch, so I didn't eat anything really. I was quite the hungry one after school. After dropping of Emi and Tony, then taking Nicholas home, we went to Safeway and I bought candy. It was good. Very good. But I lost the bag, it would appear.
When I got home, my mom checked the messages, and apparently, I was supposed to babysit tonight, and we didn't know because the lady called while I was on the phone last night :3 Anyways, so after going on the computer with my brother, we left and I babysat for two hours. These people REALLY over pay me, so, I got 20 bucks (that's 10 bucks an hour! wink ) It was nice. Now I can go to Hot Topic! Goody!
After babysitting, I found my brother on my computer, so we listened to music and annoyed people. It was a good day.
heart Myranda
Constanze Mozart · Wed May 14, 2008 @ 08:40am · 0 Comments |