2. I have problems
3. I eat babys
4. I don't like alot of people
5. I get lost
6. I imitate things on T.V.
7. I kick random peoples asses
8. I stalk people
9. I play with sharp objects
10. I steal things
11. My brain doesn't work
12. I try to find a new brother
13. I run away from my brother
14. I chase cars
15. I try to find home
16. I run to hug trees
17. I fly away
18. I make people read this crap
19. I think aliens exist
20. I jump out of windows!
21. I rape things
22. I crawl in peoples basement
23. I'm gozilla
24. I go to Rehab
25. I collect dead things
26. Theres an evil duck after me
27. My dead dog haunts me
28. I eat off the ground
29. I lick public phones
30. I lit people asses on fire
31. I was borin drunk
32. I destroy anything thats makes noise
33. I was bitten by a radioactive spider
34. I try to hunt down barney
35. I play with teletubies
36. I don't use doors
37. I feel things
38. I dumpster dive
39. Dogs pee on me
40. I pee on the dog's sorry a**
41. I imitate dogs
42. I can' stop twitching
43. I like to draw on things
44. I kill people that fart infront of me
45. I like hammers
46. Birds like to poo on me
47. I use mydog as a s**t-zooka
48. I eat bugs
49. I eat dirt
50. cause
(Everything here is lie besides 2,7,8,10,12,13,16,18 )