Rolland Le'ore
Birthday: April 13th - Taurus
Height: 6" 3'
Weight: 192 lbs.
Dominant Hand: Right
Rolland Le'ore was born in Galestine, a small town that sat in the heart of a pennisula. Think of a somewhat western style town, and you got Galestine. Sure, it was old fashioned, but Rolland loved it. Unfortunately, his parents were drunks. They weren't home often, so Rolland would wait at home for them to return. He denied himself time to play with his friends with the possibility of his parents coming home. When they did, they'd usually demand food and then go to sleep. There was a lady that lived upstairs from him that always brought him food, but he always gave to his parents. There were times where they would hit him, but he didn't mind much. the last time they left, he waited for days for them to come back, but they never did.He was only 6.
So began his life alone, which didn't last long. He stumbled into a bar, to escape the rain one night. There, he came upon a loner playing poker. This man had a real air about him. He played extraordinarily and won every single time. This man was name Card Rivers and he had a real passion for cards. It fascinated him, very much.The man had left, stating that he was going to look for an inn. The young Rolland followed him until he was found out. He announced that he wasn''t living with anyone , and that the man could stay with him. So this was the start of a new bond.
Through the time that they were together, Card learned that this child wasn't an ordinary child. He hed more heart than most. He took him in, traveling with the boy. He taught Rolland all about cards...everything you can ever think about them. He also taught him how to play. Rolland watched every game from them on, and even participated in some. He was treated to a small celebration to winning his first match.
Time past on and the two were more like family to each other than anything. They played cards nearly all the time-Rolland carried his own deck- and held each other in high respects. However, it was the day Rolland announced that he was going to gambino for a tornament, that card had to break the news. He was settling down in Galestine with a kind store owner woman. It was hard, but they parted ways, Rallond was a certified man of eighteen. Card, was nearing his late forties. They said their goodbyes and Rolland was off to Gambino.
It was his first time in Gambino, yet he quickly came to like it. He was given board as a participant in the tornament. He would meet the young, sixteen year old, dealer, Amaria Mandell. For him, it was love at first sight. They slowly got to know each other, despite the policy of having to keep a strict, no close contact relationship with the partakers. Rolland's talent for the game was beginning to show, and many thought that he would win. In the last round, his relations with Amaria were surfaced and he was disqualified, and Amaria was fired.
The took to keeping each other company as they traveled to many places. Rolland eventually took her to meet Card when he was twenty. It was like taking home your first girlfriend to meet your parents. Four years passed by quickly.They were wed, and soon they would concieve their first child, Thalius Le'ore. Wanting Thalius to grow up differently than he did, he did his best to provide and support his son that could pass for his clone. His father's hair and his mothers eyes. He was a dedicated father, and damn proud of it. nothing....I mean NOTHING, would stop him from giving the life that he never had.There were rare times when they would go out to gamble. When they came back, they always had enough cash to take Thalius on a vacation. And he did.He enjoyed living. He was a man known for his hearty behavior and his charming disposition. The man of a father, he was. A real familyman.
During the next time frame, problems would arise...this led to gambling. And more gambling. The next eight years were littered with various quarrels that were solved with gambling...and then.One day, they slipped up...bad...This led to the cheating....but unfortunately...the cheated off the wrong people. Thalius had came down with a very rare and dangerous disease. It had been eating away at the tissue of his heart and lungs, and would cause seisures at random intervals. The bill to save his life...They had thought that only God could overcome that...but the set their minds to it...to get the money to save their child. Their newborn babygirl, Talim, was passed on to a close friend to be watched over until they could do this.
They played hard and used their abilities and talents to the max...and won the money they needed from a mob...and within a week or so, Thalius was released from the hospital with new lungs and a new heart- all better now. Everything seemed fine...until the mob came knocking on their door, demanding their stolen money. They came at least four times a week, until. " Okay..here's the deal. You ain't got our money...so it's yous two...or thems two." Said the mobster as he gazed upon the young boy holding a protective stance over his sister's cradle.
It was hard, but they chose the children. They'd get the money and trade for the kids back...when time came, the kids were gone and the two were forced to work for the mob. The won the gang money by any means necessary, if it meant by gambling.However, they got caught and were captured. Rolland was restrained, beatened and tortured, while he watched his wife be harrased by the men When it looked like they were going to take that next step, rage and anger flooded this man's heart.Before he could make to her, he was shot in the back, bullet flying straight through. He was only 33, then.His last words were. " I guess....I-I couldn't...prevent from following my parents footsteps...I'm..I'm a-a...hor-r-rible...fa-ther...."