Hey! It's me, Julian. On Carmy's account. (Obviuosly. D: < wink I'm just here to tell you all what an awesome person this Carmelo kid is! I know, I know. "WE KNOW ALREADY, SHEESH!" but still, it's not my fault the truth never changes. D: I actually came on here cause I was getting kinda emo (from 3 very Carmy-less days) & bored with my summer, & hoping to goof on Carmy's account for when he came back, but then I read his last journal entry. (LATE, MUCH? XD >_< ) He'll probably read this and be like "GEEZUMMM, THANKZ >>" but still... I don't like getting all touchy-touchy with people. XD (EXCEPT WITH YOU, ALICIABBY. BD lololol) Carmy, Alicia, & Nida (the bestest friends I could ever ask for) know how much they mean to me, so why waste time saying it, no? xD
Anywayyy, it's 11:28am here, so I guess a safe bet would be that Carmy's at school on his lunch shift. Alicia is... at home. Or is getting there, because she had early dismissal today. Anddd Nida... is probably just getting to school. xD I think it's kind of funny and ironic that Nida's the youngest of us all and is also behind us all when it comes to time zones. xD
But back to the person this journal entry was supposed to be about...
ILABUCARMELO! Yeah, I know. You're mos definitely going "SOOOOOOO GAYYYYYY" right now, but still I know deep down in that Canadian heart of yours, buried deep in your love for Alicia, you care. xD loool.
I already told you this, and you already know all these jokes, but I'm not going to let you ruin my fun! xD I'm getting a cat named Marsala! & I'm gonna pet it and stroke it, and PLAY WITH IT ALL NIGHT LONG! xd
Anyway, my internet froze up for like 20 minutes. xD And it's now 11:48, so I'm going to end this message here. LABUBUDDIE
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