Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Well, it's official, it came out two days ago. Mike is totally addicted to the game, he already has 20 hours on his file. Lmao. Here's my opinion on the game, no I haven't actually played it, but I have played Metal Gear Solid 2... xD. I just liked it when you could play as Raiden. But, from what I've seen, the game looks phenomenal. Yes, there are alot of cut scenes, yes the guards still look at those dirty magazines, and yes, Metal Gear fans, there is alot of fanservice. You get shots of Naomi's legs, panty shots of Naomi, and let's not forget, all of the bosses are females. And if you stay away from them long enough in your battles, they will strike poses for you, which you can take pictures of. He is also very happy with the face paint you can have. You can play as Otacon. That makes even me smile. smile My favourite characters are Vamp, like always, and Raiden... like always. Lmao. But yes, I'm not going to give away any spoilers, but... it's definitely worth playing, or even watching someone else play. (Which is what I'm doing lmao)