Purdy items I've always wanted:
Total Value: 463,031 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Powdered Sugarplum Tutu
Powdered Sugarplum Bodice
Elegant Veil
Winter Rose
I want the Winter Rose, Because I lost mine. (Notta sad made up story). Well, my mule, Sophiaisdabest, the password isn't working, nor the email. I've done the email thing too many times, it doesn't work anymore.
The pixie & the cloud are so beautiful. I wanteth them.
The elegant veil and Masterpeices would have to be last.
I don't exactly want the clothes as much as the others, though they'd be nice.
I also want a Dark Halo. Though I didn't put in on the above avi. It would ruin it, lolz.
Teh Le'awesome Peoples:
(Also known as donators)
None. Yet.
sofiya179 Community Member |