No piccur for today </3, I kinda sorta ran out ninja
Yez so Im boredom mrgreen
Yea Im still bored ~__~;;
Huhu, DUDE IM SO BORED xp OH. I wanna chat with some of jo0 gaia people's on AIM >_> With meh mic =D I found it very amusing the other night xD So yea, now Im just forever hooked on it ^.~
Oh! I can post arties that I drew ^o^

Mystic Eye: I was adding more stuff onto this one today n__n... got too lazy to scan it again though XD

Starry Eye: I got bored XD.. So I started to draw an eye, well, an outline of one, and I liked it, so I did shading, and added a star *-*

Kagome Cry: Drawing this in the car, got bored as well rofl Although her eyes look like frying eggs, I think she's cute ;.;

Mean News: Lol, this is a mighty old pic </3... But I started laughing at it because of how it turned out XD..

Baby's Work: This is a Chibi working babeh x3.. I tink it's adorable 4laugh It was regular and had no shading before, and then I shaded it =D

Lazy Bum: I drew this at first, having one of my friends in mind, but then I re-drew it. Now this babeh's just lazeh XD.. I love this one though ;.;... Cuz you know >_>; Lazy people= Rina likes : D
And that's about it ^o^
I'll get to posting the newer drawing of 'Mystic Eye' later xp I'm just really lazy gonk