No I don't want to go please I want to stay here!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok this Saturday I'm going to North Carolina to visit my bitchy-a** mother ******** family on my moms side (Lopez) s**t and I can't stay at home sad ...... I want to stay with people who that I really like,not pretended to So yeah if you call on Saturday I'm at hell for 2 weeks evil if you're one of my friends that know me very well you know I never get along with my moms side of the family so I think I'm going to take s**t alot there since I never gone there like 3 years ago so yeah I changed in thoses 3 years. I like rock,wear emo-ish clothes sometimes,wear black nail polish if needed,never nice to my family and plays too much DDR biggrin ........I hoppe they have something like PS2 with DDR,RE4,DMC or something fun god I hate my family...if you want something from there tell me before I leave or Pm or comment plz and thank you heart heart
P.S. I dont know if they have internet so I might be on that much ok ahaha P.S.S.Corey send me some gold please I sended you 3 requests already please