You know what I've been obsessing over recently on Gaia????
Yush!!! However, most good avi arts require gold, which is something I'm saving up so I can do a next dream avatar..well acutally, I'm also saving up cause I ordered avi art and I want to have me some left over gold.
Still..I'm a quest them. xp I should start small though...maybe...10 avi art pieces??? Sounds good, and my first one might come up too, thanks to a certain friend of mine in the Soul Calibur forum and Guild, Blasio de la Roz!!! whee heart
I shall post all avi art in another journal, until then, I'm a scrounge me some. ninja
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Anime Club Suggestions...And Eskimo's Thoughts
If anyone wants to contribute any suggestions to what you want to do in the 08-09 anime club year. Please say so, or if you just want to like talk about what we are planning to do this year too.
B[/color:709e0cdb8d]e[/color:709e0cdb8d]ware the Umbrella left there Forever.[/color:709e0cdb8d][/align:709e0cdb8d]
B[/color:709e0cdb8d]e[/color:709e0cdb8d]ware the Umbrella left there Forever.[/color:709e0cdb8d][/align:709e0cdb8d]