Username: LanceVance2484
RP Frist Name: Cai
RP Last Name : Unknown
Race: Bount
Height: 6ft
Weight: Looks to be around 200bls
Age: Born Around 5000 BC
History I was born in what is called the Neolithic or (new stone age) in the British Isles was a very diffrent place wild and free i mostly hunted for deer while others farmed uesing stone axes and deer antlers, i married my wife bore no children she became ill one summer and she was never the same. After many years she passed away . After time the poeple hail me a Druid for my long life we lived in peach for many years untill i sickness came and wiped out the village. So i begain my traviles, i will say this now i was the frist person to siwm the English Channel. From there I was captured and sold into the slave trade. I forced to helped finish the first temple in Jaricho. I got stronger and learn to read and write my frist of many languges. I then escaped south to Egypt, only to be captured once again and forced to help build a the pyramids. Many years past in Egypt as I labored for others false immortality. I was eventually used as a rower in a ship to transport goods to east Asia. Upon ariving we were ambushed, destroyed, and I the only survivor. It was a group of nomadic Barbarians known as Huns. I servide them for years, Learning about troop movements and how to surivie the harshest elements. much later in a unsuccsesful campain I was Liborated by Shaolin Monks who taught me of budah body and mind control. Showed me how to focus my chi as a weapon. This was my first discovery of my doll. I then much later tasked to transport acient scrolls to the Japanses Shogun. I then was enticed to Learn the ways of the Samuri! I studied under many schools and traveld back to China as a ronin. I was then defeated by a group of ninja. I was spared by reconizing the decendent of one of my barbarian kinsman. He thought I knew his father and took me in. Later I found i knew his clans founder not his father but decided to keep that to my self. I learned the ways of the ninja and of poison and early medicine. I than began the long travel back to my home, wondering how much it must have changed. I allowed my self to be taken for gladiatorship to expodite my travels towards my home land. I won my freedom and returned home to England where I was known as a great sage hermit. I retreated back to a cave tired of bloodshed during an eary Saxon Invastion. Periodicly I left and came back for minor adventres. I then discoverd more of my kind, fellow bounts. And through them soul reapers and hollows and Quinncy. I roconized hollows as demons that i had slayed through out the ages that went by other names back then. Like kapa, dopleganger, gargoyle, lich, hell hound, shadow beast and other wicked names. The bounts were gathered into a small community like cattle by the Shinigami. I disappared not willing to ever be owned. I was glad of my choice more so when i learned of the genicide. After hearing of the revival of the Quinncy who I thought to be extinct i set out to find others of my kind. and to lead them.
Dolls: I have three dolls. The last is my own and the other two, from fallen comrads. I can only channel one at a time!
~Shidobu~ Takes on the form of many different beasts when I activate her. When Not in use it floats by me and acts as a conscience. And a reminder of my fallen friend.
~rigufutsu~ Takes on forms of melee weapons when I grab it. When Not in use it floats by me and acts as a conscience. And a reminder of my fallen friend.
~Refu~ This was my original Doll! Allows me to form razor gauntlets around my hands with my spirit energy. allowing me to block swords and pierce flesh. It resides in my chest when not in use.
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Waiting For Darkness It's The Ultmate Sin
Random ideas there will had mispelled word and i ok with that are u
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A long time ago
We lived in the shadows of history
Countless are those who have experienced
hardships tragedies beyond description
from this darkness the bounts have emerge
We lived in the shadows of history
Countless are those who have experienced
hardships tragedies beyond description
from this darkness the bounts have emerge