name:nikki uza

o.k now time fore the script!
narrater:In a world were 3 sisters live not knowing who each other are yet! There is a lengend.
A lengend called the element sisters!Lets us now meet the lengend's-to-be!
*entering theme song*
Theme song: Water!Fire!and Earth! Element's of the past!Preasent!and Futuer!Elements,Elements of time!Elements,Elements of life! Those whose hearts pound!Those who cry!And those who protect!lison to the cries of life,death,and birth!elements sisters!elements sister show yourself to everyone!Kanto!Nikki!and Myssi!show and protect!*bang*Elements sisters!
naruater:*ding, ding, dong*Episode one! the meeting!
nikki:*foggy*huh?(looks around)were am i?
vocie:nikki.Nikki over here!
nikki:*fog some what disappers*hum?whose calling my name?and were are you?
vocie surprised ver here!over here Nikki!cant you see me?
nikki:*fog disappers comepletly*huh!?(look around herself and is surronded by flames)Why am i suronded by flames!?*starts to cry*i'm scaried!someone help me!please!
vocie:*comeing out of the flames*do not worry the flames will not hurt you!it's o.k!you do not have to cry!
nikki:were are you?wait! i think i can see...
alarm clock:BEEP...BEEP...BEEP...BEEP!
nikki sad wakes up)huh?*sits up* was all a dream.
alarm clock:BEEPBEEPBEEP!
nikki sad turns towerd the alarm clock)O,SHUT UP!*hits the snozze butten*
mom sad down stairs)*shouts*nikki get up! your going to be late for your first day back at school!
nikki:huh?(turns towerd alarm clock)AAAAAAAAAA!7:30!O,NO! (legs are rawpped in blacket so when trying to get out of bed falls head frist)OW!man!(unraps legs and hurries to clostet )*opens it up*o.k were is it!?(starts to throw clothes every were)O! there it is!(pulls out a Japans boy uniform outfit)i still can not belive that i am this small in 8th grade!
mom:*shouts again* hurry up nikki!
nikki:*shouts back*o.k mom!
(get dressed in a hurry)
nikki:*rushies down stairs and trips and does a front roll all the way to the bottem of the stair case*)OW!
mom:*rushes to were nikki is*are you o.k?!
nikki:*rubbs back of head*haha. yea, i'm o.k mom.(stands up and brushies off)
mom:*hands over lunch box*o.k. but don't forget to put this on your forhead.(hands over headband )
nikki sad puts lunck box in backpack and takes headband)mom, why do i always have to were this thing for?
mom sad touchs nikki's for head) becuase we do not want any one to make fun of you becuase of this birth mark.
nikki:*sighs*o.k mom.(puts head band on and puts boys uniform hat on)
nikki:*runs to toword the door* I'll get it mom!
(opens the door)
nikki:*sticks heand out of door but does not see anyone*huh?hello?*shrugs shroulders and turns around and shouts to mom*anyway, bye mom!
mom:* comes out of the kitchen and smiles and waves*bye, sweet heart!i love you!
nikki:*already out of the door*love you too!*starts to run*
(song:johto theme song.*pokemon*)
nikki:*running at top speed and does not see the person infront of her and runs into her*AAAA!*both fall backwords*owww!*stands up*I'm so sorry!are you o.k?*puts hand out so the girl can get up*
girl:*grabs hand and gets up*yea...*looks up at nikki's face*huh?your a girl!? i look like a boy?*looks at self*
girl:yea...becuase of that unifrom that you have on.hey wait!that unifrom is from my school!
nikki:huh?*looks at the girls unifrom*o...yea.hehe..i we are school buddies!
girl:seems like it.hey are you in sixth's grade?
nikki:*falls over and gets back up*no! i am a eighth grader!
girl:*shocked*really!?you look like a sixth grader!
nikki:yes. i am sure i am a eighth grader.what grade are you in?
girl:i am in sixth grade. i thought you were in my grade becuase i am taller then you.
nikki surprised !hahaha...*looks at watch* O SHOT!WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!COME ON WE HAVE TO HURRY!*grabs the girls hand and starts to run full speed to school*
( at school)
nikki:*runs into the cort yard with the girl into*hahaha!we made it!
girl:*very,very,very dizzy*hahaha...*snaps out of her dizzyness and lets go of nikki's hand*thank you.....umm...i am so sorry! i forgot to ask your name!
nikki:hehehe...thats all right!my name is Nikki Uza.whats your's?
girl surprised !my name is Myssie.
nikki:well, Myssie it was nice to meet you!i have to go to class now.see you later o.k?
myssie surprised .k!bye nikki senpie!*runs to class*
nikki:hehehe....*runs to her class a few seconds before the bell rings*
nikki:hahaha!i made it!*someone throws a notebook at the back of nikki's head*oooooooooowwwwwwwwww!
Rei:Baka.don't yell in the classroom.*rei walks up to nikki and picks her notebook up and hits nikki with it again and goes sits down*(rei also were's a boys unifrom becuase the skrits are to short.)go sit down.your annoying.
nikki surprised ww!*rubs were rei hit her on the head*sorry rei-chan.*goes to her desk and sit's down*
girls sad surrounds nikki)hi nick-kun!how was your summer!?
nikki:girls, i told you before!my name is nikki!i am a girl!
girls:but we like calling you nick-kun!you look so hansume in that boy unifrom!and that headband makes you look like a protecter!
nikki:*sighs*o.k summer was all right.what about you girls?
girls surprised ur summer was great!we went to so many beach's!it was so much fun!
nikki:well i am glad.girls you should go sit down now. the seacond bell is about to ring.
girls surprised .k nick-kun!*all the girls go to their seats and talk to each other*
teacher:*opens the door and all the students hurry to their seats and reman quitet*
nikki:*stands up and starts the greeting for the class*good morning roke sen.*everyone bow's*
roke sensei:take your seats.*everyone sits down*now, its a new's a fresh lets find out what each other did over summer.*looks around and spots nikki*nikki. how about you start?
nikki:*sighs and stands up*my summer was normle. i slept in, watched t.v,played on the computer, read manga,went to the pool, hanged out with my friends and relaxsed.*sits done*
roke sensei surprised .k, thank you nikki.o.k what about you rei?
rei:*stands up while glareing at roke senpai*my summer is none of your business.*just sits down*
roke sensei:*just smiles nervisely*o.k....will thank you.*hears a knock on the door and remebers*o.k...students i have a anoccement to make. we have 2 new students today. they just moved here recently.come on in boys.
boys:*opens the door and both of them enter*
roke sensei:boys why don't you intro duss yourselfs?
boy:*evil glare* Kazuya Kamenashi, that's all you need to know.
roke sensei surprised .k...while what about you?
boy:my name is ryo mote.*smiles a little and girls some what sqille*
nikki:*looking out the window not paying any attachen to what is happening*
Rei:*writeing in her notebook not lisoning at all*
roke sensei: umm....well, Kazuya..why don't you go sit by rei and ryo you go sit by nick?(roke senpai does not like calling nikki "nikki" becuase she dress in the boy's unifrom and because she has the headband on and also because she never takes her hat off and never lets her hair out makeing her look like a boy too.)
Kazuya:huh?were is rei at?
ryo:umm...were is nick?
roke sensei:Rei is the one writeing in the notebook and nick is the one looking out the window not lisning to a word i say.
Kazuya:fine.*walks over to the empty desk next to Rei and plots down*
ryo:umm...o.k...*walks over to the desk next to nikki*umm...are you nick?
nikki:*hears her nickname and looks at ryo with coufiton and nodds*yea, i'm nick.who are you?
ryo:i'm ryo mote. it's nice to meet you.
nikki:nice to meet you too.umm....are you going to sit down soon or just stand there all year*gives him a coufised look*?
ryo:huh?*finnaly relise that he is standing up and not in his desk*o!hahahaha...i'll take my seat.
nikki:hehehe...good idea*talks over to rei*hey rei you have a new guy behind you.
rei:*stares up with a "i don't care look" at nikki*so?
nikki:just thought i would tell you.sorry.*laughts nerviuesly*
roke senpai surprised lets get back to the leason please open your books to page 6 and coute reading please..
nikki:*raise hand*
roke sensei:*see's niki raise ing her hand*yes nick?
nikki:*puts hand down and points out the window*umm..why is the sky turning weird colors for?
roke sensei:huh?*looks out the window and see's what nikki said was true and see'a that the sky is turning red,blue and green and ends up dropping his book and haveing a shocked face on*i..i don't know..
nikki surprised .k..well then i am going out side to see what is up with it..*gets up and starts to head out of the class room*
roke sensei:*still to shocked about the sky to notice nikki leaveing*
nikki:*leaves the class room and starts to go down the hall and gets to the front of the school and see's that myssie and a uper class mate is outside*huh?*walks over to them*umm..why are you guys out here?
myssie:*turns around*i..i don't know.i just had these weird feeling telling me to.
girl:*still lloking up at the sky*me too..
nikki:and you are?
girl:*looks done to nikki*my name is kanto..
nikki:my name is nikki uza. but everyone calls me nick.
kanto:nice to meet you...*looks up at the sky*i have a bad feeling about this..
myssie:so do i..
nikki:same here...
o.k so that is what i have so far!please help me!i need more ideas for this!
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