Q: how old are you?
A: i wonder dat myself 0.o
Q: whats your name??
A: its something... ._.
Q: why do you keep things to yourself?
A: i like being mysterious. x3
Q: why?
A: cuz i like ppl talking and always wondering about me. o_o;;
Q: whys that?
A: cuz i like teh fame betch!! XDD
Q: whats your favorite color?
A: it dependszx on da daii
Q: are you single?
A: . . . .-.;; next question. x3
Q: why wont you answer my previous question?
A: because i dont find it important. >> but i DO however find it none of your business. lol
Q: did you know you were a b***h?
A: yes. yes i did. =]
Q: do you believe in love at first site?
A: do u beleive in gawd??? 0.o
Q: are you REALLY a gurl?
A: nahhh, i'mma alien from anotha planet wit both dikszx and boobszx
no dip i'mma gurl!! XD
Q: do you like my outfit?
A: truthfully...? o_O;;;
i'd rather keep comments to myself about fashion lil missy. x3
Q: where do you live?
A: New York. ^_^
Q: whats your size?
A: O_O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Q: do you know what i meant?
A: unfortunately. x3
Q: you gonna tell me?
A: i'd rather that info STAY in my head thank you. ^_^;;;
or in this case my bra. x3
Q:are you into anime?
A: yes, many kinds. =D
Q: whats your top 3 favorites?
A: inuyasha blood kisses sailor moon ^.^
Q: could i have your email?
A: no. ._.;;
Q: why?
A: cuz i dont feel like it. x3
Q: would you go out with me?
A: o_o;;;;;; you've gotta be kidding me...
Q: well how about in RP?
A: hell no. -.-
Q: why not?
A: cuz your a noob.
Q: how would you know?
A: kinda obvious judging from the questions huney. XD
Q: your hott.
A: that wasn't even a ******** question!! >.<
now its time for ME to ask the questions! who are you and how the f**k did you find me!?
A: . . . -runs away-
what the...f**k...? o_O;;;
this only happens to me, huh?
damnit...i'll be in my trailer!
diego! get me my robe, a bottle of aspirin, 3 bottles of whiskey, that one blond
dude from bay watch, a bucket of ice cubes, and i'll see ya in a week!
complementry by mii********** im so funneh
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