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about my life
She sits there in that corner

thinking who may have been before her

her eyes are black and her hands are cold

trying to grasp happiness but just can't get a hold

she hears a loud knock coming from the door

tries to stand up but she is too sore

as he walks in with anger in his eyes

she sits there helplessy holding in painful cries

but she's had enough her heart needs to mend

she grabbed that gun and put his life to an end.


Lying there motionless
Your will to live put to the test
Wake up to a sickening sight
Many people are dead, none put up a fight
Slaughtered like lambs, a sacrifice to the land
To keep eternal life going hand in hand

You wonder why you were the only one
Left among the dead, no fatal damage done
Blood in your eye and a few fingers gone
You step outside to discover the dawn
Light pierces your skin, you’re alive again
And you walk away, a new life to begin

The next night you’re there once more
The exact same scene as the day before
Finally you realize that it’s a good time
To admit to yourself, it’s all in your mind
You only hurt yourself, there was nobody else
Just you, your thoughts, and a concrete cell


Morphine Highs,
Crushing blows.
I let go with a sigh,
This is how life goes.

The pain leaks away,
My eyes become a glassy stare.
My final day,
Taking up Death's dare.

Fear what is forgotten,
History repeats itself.
Time will turn you rotten,
Turning to dust your wealth.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Jul 08, 2008 @ 06:53pm
the sekond one reminds me of my kousin chriss that went to iraq and afganastan...

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