Anyways, I wont blabber about that anymore, you all have suffered enouph torture<3
Anyways, piccur for today .:

That's my sexah door ^.~; I took that pic about a week ago, and now theres a whole lotta more shtoff on zere @w@; I'll try to update that pic soon enough XD;
Hmm.. IRL wise, nothing really sweatdrop Bored as hell xp My summer basically sucked sad I barely got to go anywhere, while all you monkeys got to go to like different countries and s**t, and I got to know my house extremely well gonk I actually want school to start now, cuz I'm excited to see all my friends. I'm not ready to do the work though blaugh I'll never be </3... but theres one of you out there, that has a way with me, and can just get me to actually do my homework T___T.. so that one person should consider himself special heart Anyways .: Hmm.. MS wise, I'm lvl 27, and I really want to get to atleast 35 before school starts, but feh, I dont like to spend all my time on MS, I'll feel, desperate o.<; No offense to those of you that do o__o''
I'm hoping I'll win this art auction, Im really hogging for art D; Then me and Pippy (Rainspirit) can get pretty pretty arts together<33 So I'm looking forward to that.
I think I'll leave a note in my journal for these people >w>; Lets see if you guys read zem twisted
@ Bubbeh (Depletion) : Hi >__>; I command jo0 to make lemlon pie for meh, beesh D<
@ Poofy (Noishie) : Passionfruits make me go asdjfksajflaf, or.. they make me go lalala x__X;
@ Tippy (Arctic Vixen) : I love toaster struddle 4laugh
@ Poot (Estelyn) : Co Co just got a new brand of CoaCoa >_> Tastes really yummeh >3
@ BoBo (Kiraboshi) : I am in love with my shotglass ;-;
@ DoBug (Doodlebug) : I can't wait to get married 4laugh <33
@ Rina (kawaiikag) : You suck mad
Well, I'm done. Lets see how many of these peoples actually read their comments OwO; I think I'll do this more often XD
P.S. xd I like how I have nicknames for all these people XXD
Community Member
::scampers off to the store and buys a lemon pie::
::comes scuttling back and puts it in one of the pans I have at home for cooking and come running it up to you::
Lookit, I cooked a whole pie just for you~! :'D