Just another normal day in Gaia. Summer days have been long and dull recently. No crime, no parties, no Nagakura shopping sprees. Nothing to do but sit back and relax. I just plopped onto the couch and watched the television. Nothing at all was on.
“Good god I wish something would happen already.” I said, bored out of my skull. Just then I felt something in my pocket. I pulled out the charm I got from the Feudal Era, and the white claw parts were glowing. They must have been calling me to their world. I ran outside and put my Ray armor on, taking into the air towards the Gate. FINALLY I had something to do.
When I landed I held the necklace up to the gate. The color changed red and I jumped through. I was flowing through the vortex at a small light ahead. That’s when these small red orbs came out of the light and smashed into me. I was in my Inuyasha form. Then I noticed something about my right hand. I could feel. I looked at it and saw the DarkFire seal tattooed into my flesh. My hand was back, I had a real arm again. I felt something hitting my side. The key chain from the Tessaiga hung out of the scabbard. I was just like Inuyasha now! Then I realized I had the same face and brown hair color, but that was even better! As I fell through the light, I noticed I was looking at the ground. But that would mean…oh no.
“LOOK OUT BELOW!” I shouted loudly. I saw everyone standing together, and they all jumped away as I smashed into the ground.
“Is that…Mike?” I heard Sango say. I stood up and shook my head.
“Hey guys, it’s been a while.” I laughed out.
“What the hell are you wearing…” Inuyasha said angrily. I explained the whole deal about what Kingdom Hearts would give out as a type of “reward” for helping a world. They understood, and by they, I mean everyone except for Inuyasha. He was still mad. We headed over to Kaede’s village to relax for a bit.
“So why’d you guys call me here anyways?” I asked, relaxing against a wall.
“I’ve been smelling the scent of Naraku lately.” Inuyasha said.
“And I can feel his demonic aura.” Miroku added.
“Naraku…” I said, trying to remember the name, “oh, you mean that guy who wanted the jewel?”
“Yes,” Kagome said, “he might not have the jewel, but he’s still a powerful demon.”
“Then let’s go get him!” I said, jumping to my feet.
“That’s what I said!” Inuyasha shouted, jumping up as well.
“Inuyasha, you know we have to find him first, and rushing head long into a battle isn’t the smartest idea.” Miroku stated.
“Heh, their both idiots.” Shippo laughed out. Inuyasha and I instantly seized him and pounded on his head, causing him to cry.
“Inuyasha you’re so immature. Sit!” Kagome shouted. He face-planted the ground. I laughed at him because Kagome couldn’t control me, but one glare from her shut me up and made me behave. I sat down the way Inuyasha did. For some reason these clothes were starting to change me to be more like him. We sat there and talked about how to find him. He’d definitely go after the jewel, but acting unprepared could get us all killed.
“What about Kagura and Kanna?” Sango asked.
“Kagura? Kanna?” I said, confused on who they were talking about. Inuyasha just snorted.
“They’re two of Naraku’s incarnations. Kagura can control the wind with a mystical fan, and Kanna can deflect attacks with her mirror.” Kagome explained. This Naraku was a really dangerous demon. I dug deeper into the story, and soon, they told me everything. How the bandit Onigumo hungered for the jewel Inuyasha’s old lover, Kikyo, was purifying and how he was devoured by demons, turning into Naraku. How Naraku took Kikyo’s form and shot Inuyasha, then attacked Kikyo, making them betray each other, in turn sealing Inuyasha for fifty years, and Kikyo dying.
“Ok then, why don’t we find this guy and slice him up?” I said, pulling out my Tessaiga keyblade.
“He’s a master of trickery,” Miroku said, “and he can also absorb other demons.”
“He can regenerate,” Sango said, “so if you destroy part of him, he’ll just mold back together.”
“Not to mention those dolls he sends out to attack,” Kagome stated, “plus all the demons he’s tricked to helping him.”
“And Kagura and Kanna will most likely be in the way.” Inuyasha growled angrily, “Damn them.” I thought about it for a moment. Then I thought of an idea.
“Inuyasha,” I said, “when Kanna reflects and attack, can’t you just use your Backlash Wave?”
“Yeah, but I can’t do it twice I a row, and she can reflect it back.” he said angrily.
“But, what if I used the Backlash Wave with my Tessaiga. Wouldn’t that be powerful enough to destroy them?” He thought for a minute.
“You might have something there.” he said, a slight sense of happiness in his voice. I was on to something. We all conversed over how we’d work together to defeat Naraku.
Later while the others slept, I went outside to train with Miroku and Inuyasha. Inuyasha taught me all of his techniques, such as the Iron Reaver Soul Stealer, a deadly attack with his sharp claws. I also learned the Blades of Blood technique, in which I would have to dig my hands into my blood, and whip it at my opponent, the blood being as sharp as blades. Miroku gave me sutras. They stung at the touch, but if I touched them with my nails, I was fine. I stuck them in between my kimono and my undershirt, so that way I could grab it if I had to and toss it at a demon. Inuyasha went inside from boredom, but I trained with Miroku some more.
“So Miroku,” I said as I blocked his staff, “what’s this power in your right hand I heard of?”
“My Wind Tunnel,” he said parrying my blow, “it can suck anything into the abyss in my right palm.”
“Even me?” He laughed as he pulled the cloth off his right hand and shouted “Wind Tunnel!” I felt the sensation of being sucked in, so I got on all fours and dug my hands into the ground. He wrapped his hand up and laughed.
“I told you it was powerful.” I thought about it. It seemed like that was a dark attack. I looked at the back of my right hand and saw my palm glowing. I held it at Miroku and placed my index and middle finger across the seal of DarkFire before shouting out “Wind Tunnel!”
Nothing happened for a moment, and then a black hole appeared in my palm and began to suck Miroku in. I ripped my fingers off the seal as the black hole disappeared. Miroku flew into me, knocking us to the ground.
“H-how did you do that!?” he said, alarmed.
“My DarkFire alchemy,” I replied, “it can pull things into a abyss like your Wind Tunnel, so I figured I could channel it’s energy to my palm like your Wind Tunnel.”
“Hmm, in that case there’s something you should know.” he said helping me up, “Naraku has a special hive of demon wasps called “Samyosho”. If you suck one in, it hurt horrifically due to their poison.”
“Alright, I’ll remember that.” I said nodding.
“Right, now let us get some rest.” We walked back to the hut where Miroku went in to sleep. I jumped onto the roof and relaxed on its straw covering. In the distance I saw something moving through the air quickly. I figured it was a storm and fell to sleep.
I woke up at sunrise. Everyone else was up and about, gathering supplies for the journey. I walked up to Inuyasha, who was just sitting by a stream.
“What’re you doing?” I asked, sitting next to him.
“Waiting, like always!” he shouted back, “We only have three days to find him!”
“Three days? How come only three days?” I asked curiously.
“Do you know what happens to me during the new moon?” he said, almost growling at me. I didn’t reply, since I actually hadn’t been told that information. “As long as the new moon is in the sky,” Inuyasha said, “I’ll be turned into a full-blooded mortal.”
I thought about it for a moment. “That means you loose all of your demonic powers, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah, I’m weaker than Kagome.” he said. His voice sounded angry yet sad at the same time. I wondered that since I was in this form if the same would happen to me.
After a few minutes we hit the road. The scenery was still beautiful. I was happy to be around such lush greenery, unlike the darkness that’s the forests of Gaia. As we walked, Shippo showed me his fox magic. His top was cool, and when he told me he could use leaves to transform and become more powerful, I was intrigued.
“If you’re so powerful how come you always run away from a fight?” Inuyasha asked sarcastically.
“Hmph,” Shippo snorted, “that’s what you think. You’re half-demon brain can’t possibly wrap around the stuff I do while you’re fighting, helping you when you don’t even know it.” I heard Inuyasha’s fingers crack.
“Shippo, you’re gonna get hit again.” I said quietly.
“He wouldn’t lay a hand on me. After all, I’m a full demon and he’s just a half- *smack*” he didn’t get to finish because Inuyasha belted him on the head.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome cried over Shippo’s loud sobs, “You are the biggest jerk I’ve ever met!”
“Look we don’t have time for insults,” Inuyasha said, ignoring what Kagome said completely, “right now we have to find Naraku.”
“I’ve never seen him so determined before.” Miroku said quietly.
“Can you blame him? We’re so close.” Sango replied, “We finally have the upper hand now that we have the sacred jewel.”
That’s right. “Where is the jewel anyways?” I asked curiously.
“I have it,” Kagome said, pulling it out of her backpack, “it’s nearly purified of all it’s demonic powers.”
Huh, if Kagome is the reincarnation of Kikyo like I was told, then that would mean Naraku would go after the jewel before it’s purified. So if Kagome was out in the open with me, an unknown person to Naraku, he’d go after us, and then we’d ambush him. But how could the others be far enough away so Naraku didn’t sense them, yet close enough to help attack? All we need is-
I never finished my thought because I heard sensed something moving at us fast.
“We have company.” I said, whipping around with my Tessaiga drawn. Inuyasha sniffed the air.
“Oh no, it’s-” Suddenly a whirlwind blew past us and Kagome was in the arms of some guy wearing fur. “Koga.” Inuyasha finished angrily.
“Why hello Kagome,” Koga said smiling widely, “what a pleasure to bump into someone like you here!”
“Friend or foe?” I said, holding my blade at him.
The guy looked at me surprised and confused. “Two dog-breaths?” he said mockingly, “Kagome your taste in men is terrible?” We growled at him before lunging at him. He jumped up and off our heads as we smashed into each other. He laughed at us. What he didn’t expect was me putting my sword in it’s scabbard and going after him with my claws. He barely dodged it, but I caught his arm and drew blood.
“Ugh, you want it like that,” he shouted growling, “then you’ll GET it like that!” He dove at me with a kick, but after practicing with my teacher, I managed to grab his ankle and swing him in a circle before tossing him. He landed on a tree and came back twice as fast. He punched me across the face, sending me spinning. I dug my claws into the ground and stopped, and as he got close, I lunged full speed at him. I was about to slice him open when Inuyasha’s sword stopped me.
“He’s all mine!” Inuyasha shouted. Kagome muttered “Sit.” and brought him to his knees, or face you may say. I dived over Inuyasha and went to smash my fist into Koga’s face, when he brought his leg up and kicked me into the air. He didn’t expect me to grab his foot and hurl him into the air too. As he came down I leaped up. He took a swing at me, but I dodged it and put my arm around his chest, falling and smashing him into the ground. He got back up when Sango’s boomerang flew between us.
“That’s enough boys.” Sango said catching her boomerang. I cracked my knuckles backwards.
“Aw man, and I was just warming up on this flee-bag.” I said mockingly. Koga growled. A fast opponent at that I would say, but after that dog breath comment, I wasn’t going to tell HIM anytime soon. As we continued further I talked with Koga about myself. He was relatively nice, except when it came to Kagome. Like any of the dog species, he was very territorial, even though Inuyasha was with Kagome. Turned out he wasn’t exactly after Naraku himself, but more after Kagura, his reincarnation. Kagura had apparently killed most of his wolf tribe, and he wanted revenge.
As sunset came, I felt something ominous in the air. I drew my keyblade. The power inside was resonating. I could feel it, almost like a dog barking when someone was nearby.
“What is it Mike?” Miroku asked. I noticed a shadow move from one tree to another quickly.
“Heartless.” I said sternly, gripping my blade tight. Just as I did that all of the shadows came around us and turned into Neo Heartless. Inuyasha pulled his blade out while everyone else got ready for battle (except Shippo, he leaped into Kagome’s backpack). Koga backed into me.
“These things again!?” he said angrily.
“You’ve fought them before?” I asked.
“Yeah, they attacked my tribe a few days ago. The damned thing’s came from underneath rocks and shadows. Every time we went to hit them, they melted back into the ground and we missed.”
“That’s why you have to go like this!” I leaped into the air and smashed a Heartless into pieces. Koga managed to punch one. It was stunned, and when he drop kicked it, the Heartless disappeared. Inuyasha did what he always did: hacked and slashed till there was nothing left of the enemy. Miroku threw a sutra, but it just hit the Heartless and did absolutely nothing.
“They’re not demons,” I said to Miroku, “no duh your sutras won’t work. Best use your staff or Wind Tunnel.” He used his staff. I could understand why, since the enemies sucked into the Wind Tunnel could hurt him, depending on the enemies, and since the Heartless were strange and had different powers depending on the type of Heartless, there was no telling what they could do.
After a few minutes of hacking them up, the had all disappeared. As we all calmed down, I saw the bushes next to me rustle. Something jumped at Miroku shouting “Master Miroku!”. It looked like a raccoon.
“Hachi!” Miroku cried, hugging the creature, “Where have you been my old friend!?”
“I’ve been running with my friends from those black creatures!” Hachi cried, “They’ve been attacking us for the past few weeks!”
“You don’t have to worry about your friends now,” I said, sheathing my blade, “since I’m here with my keyblade, they’ll come for me.”
“Oh, ok!” he said excited, “Uh, by the way, who are you?” I nearly fell to the ground.
“Just call me Mike.” I replied, “You wouldn’t happen to know where Naraku is?”
“Naraku…” he said, thinking for a few moments, “No, I don’t know where he is, but I know where he was.”
“Take us there now!” Inuyasha shouted.
“Alright.” he replied, sounding upset. He put a leaf on his head and in a flash, he was a giant furry creature. “All aboard!” he shouted. We jumped on and he took off into the air. As we were in the air, I kept running back and forth, looking at the landscape below. Sure I could fly as Zero, but I couldn’t feel the wind in my hair and look at such beautiful landscape below. “If you fall don’t blame me.” Hachi remarked. I looked in the distance and saw the same cloud I saw the night before.
“Is that a rain cloud?” I said, pointing at the cloud in the far distance. Everyone looked, and Inuyasha jumped up.
“Those…are Naraku’s demons!” he shouted.
“Hachi, go after them!” Miroku commanded. Hachi sped off after the demons.
“The last battle’s drawing near,” Sango said, “soon it will be over once and for all.”
“At least for Naraku it will be.” I replied, “Don’t forget, we still have to rescue your brother and defeat anything that gets in our way.”
“Or at least in the way of Inuyasha here,” Koga remarked, “after all, he is just a weak half demon.” That was an insult to Inuyasha and me, since I was a half demon now.
“Say Inuyasha, isn’t this Koga’s stop?” I said smiling angrily.
“You’re right.” With that, he grabbed Koga and went to throw him off of Hachi.
“Inuyasha, SIT!” Kagome shouted. He dropped Koga but fell off Hachi. Everyone gasped as I leap across Hachi and threw my right hand at Inuyasha. “Wind Tunnel!” I shouted, placing my two fingers on the back of my hand. The vortex sucked Inuyasha back up towards me, and I grabbed him with my left hand as he nearly flew past me.
“Kagome! You nearly killed me!” he shouted after he landed.
“Well if you weren’t acting so immature-”
“I’M IMMATURE!?” The rest of us just toned them out and sat further back on Hachi while they argued at each other.
After an hour we flew through some clouds. The whole surrounded area was in a deep and thick purple mist.
“What is this stuff?” I said, a huge demonic aura pulsating from all around me.
“This is Naraku’s Miasma,” Miroku said, “we’re getting closer.”
“Closer, but the force of it is so strong!”
“If we were right up against him you could be killed from this since you’re part demon.” he said warningly. I froze with fear for a moment then realized there was no point, we weren’t even within striking range yet. I noticed Hachi was warmer.
“What’s wrong Hachi,” I said calmly, “scared?”
“N-n-no!” he stammered out, “It’s j-just the m-miasm-ma.” He was horrible at lying. I noticed some strong presence in the air.
“Inuyasha.” I said.
“I sense it too, it’s Naraku all right.” he said angrily, “Hachi, take us down now.” As we descended the feeling got stronger and stronger. In the distance as the miasma cleared, I saw a humongous castle. As we came down and landed, we all jumped off Hachi as he transformed back into his original self. Shippo was standing strong, but his legs on the other hand were shaking like there was no tomorrow. Miroku turned to Hachi.
“Thank you my friend,” he said warmly, handing Hachi a small bag of coins “please, leave us to this fight alone.”
“B-but master, what if you have to escape!” Hachi cried. Even though Hachi was just hired by Miroku, they were still friends.
“There will be no running from this battle Hachi,” Miroku said, “we’ll either emerge victorious, or die honorably.”
“Speak for yourself monk,” Inuyasha said, “I’m not going to die before that b*****d.” I admired his diehard attitude. Hachi took off and left us to our battle.
“Do you see him?” Sango said, holding her boomerang steady. I scanned the field with my eyes. I saw something white in the distance before it leaped into the miasma. I whipped my Tessaiga keyblade out and shouted “Ready yourselves! He’s coming from above!” A second later, a huge white baboon landed on the earth right between all of us, shattering the ground. I looked at it’s face as it looked at me. Beneath the mouth was a human smile, an evil human smile that chilled me to the core.
We all attacked at once. Miroku tossed a sutra, Sango threw her boomerang, and Inuyasha and I leaped forward with our blades. Shippo…well, I had no idea where he went, he just disappeared. Naraku leaped up over our attacks as huge insect claws and legs shot out from under him at us. I sliced a claw in half and dodged a leg. Miroku took the legs out with his staff while Sango’s boomerang returned to her, slicing the rest of his legs off. I leaped right into the air and sliced his head clear off his body.
“Ha, that was it?” I said as I held my sword over my shoulder. As the carcass hit the ground, it seemed empty and sounded like a wood chunk hit the ground. Miroku reached inside and pulled out a small wooden idol that was missing part of it.
“A fake.” Miroku said, tossing it away. Suddenly I heard someone show “Dance of Blades!” I looked to my right and saw huge spinning crescent blades of air flying at us. Inuyasha and Koga grabbed Kagome and leaped out of the way as Miroku, Sango, and I did the same. Some girl flew up to us on a giant feather. I heard Inuyasha growl “Kagura.” under his breath.
“You, you’re the woman who killed my comrades!” Koga shouted, running at her, “You’ll die for that right now!”
“I think not,” she muttered, bringing a fan back by her head, “Dance of Blades!” She threw more blades at us. They weren’t too hard to dodge, but it was impossible to attack at the same time. Koga dodge all of the attacks and leaped up at her. Inuyasha lunged as well. I had to watch her attacks still, time them just right, so I could get close and strike her down. She flew just out of their reach and threw more blades. Now I knew what to do. I knew she’d try to fly away as soon as we got close, so I’d have to get a boost and slice her feather in half. I ran into the fray with Inuyasha and Koga.
I ran up to Inuyasha and Koga. “I have an idea, follow my lead.” I said, running towards a building. We leaped on top of it and jumped as Kagura threw more blades at us. “Inuyasha, give me a boost!” I shouted. He held his blade forward and I leaped off of it. I held my sword forward to cut down on wind resistance. Kagura tried to fly away, but it was too late. I swung my blade downward with all my strength and sliced her right out of the sky. She landed and turned to me.
“Who are you?” she said looking confused, “Another half-breed mutt that tagged along for-uh!” She noticed my Tessaiga. “Another blade!? Well then, Naraku will be pleased when I take both back to him.”
“I’d like to see you try!” I said, lunging at her with my blade.
“Mike no!” Inuyasha shouted. But it was too late. Kagura had already shouted “Dance of the Dragon!” and I was right in the line of fire. As the huge whirlwind of daggers flew at me, I had only one idea in my mind. I slashed my blade across the ground shouting “Backlash Wave!” and sent the huge amount of energy back at her.
“Kanna!” she shouted. Suddenly a little girl with a mirror was in front of her. The Backlash Wave was absorbed into the mirror. I just stood there, staring at her. How did she do that, and what happened to my Backlash Wave?
“Mike, run, get out of there!” Kagome cried running at me. I was about to leap away when my Backlash Wave shot out of the mirror, directly at me! There was no way I could dodge it, and if I got hit at this range, I was toast. Suddenly I was knocked out of the way just in time. My savior was Koga.
“Koga!? T-thank you!” I said, staring at him amazed.
“Take nothing of it,” he snarled, “Kagome cares for you, and I get a better shot at getting her away from dog breath by saving you.” I realized that I was just saved to help Koga get Kagome. It didn’t matter now though, we had Kagura and Kanna to deal with.
Miroku, Sango, Shippo, and Kagome went further into the castle area to look for Naraku while Koga, Inuyasha, and I dealt with Kagura and Kanna. Kagura’s Dance of Blades was getting trickier to dodge, since every time she attacked, there were more blades to dodge. I smashed one of the blades in half and got close to her. I swung, but she jumped onto my blade and threw blades at me from point blank range. I slid under my blade and swung at her. She blocked it with her fan and jumped backwards as I let out a Wind Scar. Koga dodged my attack, and Kanna reflected it.
“Inuyasha,” I cried, “now!” Inuyasha nodded, understanding what we were doing. He used his Backlash Wave on the reflected Wind Scar. Kanna reflected it once more, and this time, I used my Backlash Wave on the Backlash Wave mixed with the Wind Scar. Kanna absorbed it into the shield. It made a cracking sound right before the huge attack flew out of it and smashed through one of the walls of the castle.
“It didn’t work!” Inuyasha shouted at me.
“Look again.” I said, pointing my sword at Kanna’s mirror. The crack in it was huge. “I’m gonna bet she can’t control the reflected attack that well anymore.”
“Only one way to find out!” Inuyasha shouted, charging Kanna. “Wind Scar!” He shot the Wind Scar directly at her. She blocked it with the mirror and shot it out at us, only it was crooked and was easy to dodge. I was right, the crack had made her lose some control over the mirror when it reflected an attack. Now we could go right for Kagura.
We attacked mercilessly. Kanna was also partially involved, and the battle ended as soon as Koga grabbed Kanna by the throat and I knocked Kagura to the ground. I held my sword an inch from her head before lifting it up. Just as I was bringing it down, she shouted “Wait!” My blade quivered as it ceased movement.
“You better talk fast.” I said as my key chain rattled on the blade.
“Don’t you find it odd,” Kagura said devilishly, “that there’s no sound in this castle, even though your friends are out there fighting Naraku?” We stood there. It was absolutely silent.
“KAGOME!” Inuyasha suddenly cried out. His voice echoed, then stopped. There was still no sound. I growled as I sheathed my blade. We took off looking for them. As we ran, Inuyasha sped away from us.
“Inuyasha, hold up! It’s not safe to run out of the group!” I shouted to him. Suddenly, a wall of miasma blocked our path. Inuyasha was on the opposite side when it sprang up. Demons flooded out from the purple haze at Koga and I.
“Mike!” Inuyasha shouted.
“Go and find Kagome!” I shouted back, “We’ll be fine!”
“She better be fine dog boy, or it’ll be your head!” Koga shouted to him. Inuyasha sped off as we began dispatching demons. I hacked them to bits with my Iron Reaver. Eventually, we tired and were nearly overcome by demons.
“Get behind me.” I said to Koga. I placed my two fingers on my hand and opened up my Wind Tunnel. I sucked in every last demon and some of the miasma blocking out way. We ran off towards the castle. As we neared the front gates, I saw Miroku and Sango lying on the ground.
“Miroku! Sango!” I shouted, sliding by their sides. Luckily they both started to come to, and I helped them up. I noticed Kagome’s bag laying on the ground, the one shoulder strap severed. My heart sank at the sight. “Guys, what happened!? Where’s Inuyasha and Kagome!?”
“Naraku…he ambushed us.” Miroku said, pain in his voice. I help him up as Koga helped Sango.
“We have to go after them.” Koga growled. Sango and Miroku were in no condition to fight, and if more demons came, they’d be goners.
“Koga, take Miroku and Sango back to where it’s safer, I’ll go after Inuyasha and Kagome.” Koga went to disagree, but I caught him off guard saying, “Kagome will be happy if she knows you saved her friends.” He smirked before grabbing both Miroku and Sango and running off. I looked at the castle ahead of me. The demonic aura emitting from it was strong. I drew both keyblade and rushed into the castle grounds, ready for anything ahead.
As I approached the castle, a Wind Scar burst through the roof of one of the buildings. I leaped onto the roof and ran towards the hole. The only other person who could throw a Wind Scar was Inuyasha, and with Naraku around, I was sure he wouldn’t leave Kagome behind. As I got close to the hole I saw an insect leg come out of the hole then dive back down. It must have been Naraku. I leaped high into the air and spun my keyblades before diving headlong into the hole.
As I few into it I noticed a huge morbid insect thing attacking Inuyasha and Kagome. Inuyasha had a tear in his left arm, but it was already healing. Kagome was behind him. At least she was, until a tentacle wrapped around her ankle and lifted her into the air. I held my blades tight as I screamed “NARAKU!” I hacked the tentacle in two with an cross slash, drove my blades in the ground and caught Kagome. I leaped backward from three strikes of a claw.
“Mike, you showed up!” Kagome cried with joy.
“What, and miss this party?” I said like the smart a** I was, “Yeah right.” I gazed into the hole as Inuyasha grabbed my keyblade and started hacking Naraku over and over with both blades. “I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that that’s Naraku.”
“Uh huh,” Kagome replied, “Inuyasha’s trying his hardest, but Naraku has the upper hand here.” Suddenly a claw flew out of the roof beneath me and seized my whole body tightly. I was quick enough to shove Kagome out of the way as I was dragged to the face of the demon himself.
“Another dog demon?” he said. His voice was deep and cold, sending a shiver directly through my spine. His face was pure evil, but he was still a handsome man. Though with the aura of purest evil around him and his insect claw holding me, it was hard to pay attention to his looks. “Who are you?”
“Call me whatever you like, you’re dead as soon as I get free!” I used my Iron Reaver to dice through his claw. “Call me Mike while you have the chance to.” I dodged another claw and grabbed my blade from Inuyasha.
“You take the left.” I said, and we both crossed paths as we went to take on the massive foe. It was like an obstacle course, except for the fact that it was deadly and always changing. Claw after claw, I dodged till we were behind him. We leaped up to hack Naraku in half when two claws jutted out from his back and smashed us into the wall. He had us in his grip, our arms clasped to our sides. He laughed like the devil himself, then smashed us into the ground. Inuyasha’s blade was knocked out of his hand and slid near me. I barely managed to get my arm free and grab a hold of it when Naraku smashed us into another wall and held us high in the air.
“How does it feel to have someone controlling your life!” he laughed at us.
“Probably like this!” I screamed, whipping my blade at the claw holding Inuyasha. It tore straight through it and the top fell to the ground, freeing Inuyasha. He grabbed my blade and tossed it at me while I threw his to him. I grabbed my blade and hacked through Naraku’s claw, and while falling, sliced him open. That was a mistake, because from the gash in his body emerged several more claws.
“Face it, no matter how many times to attack me, you’ll never be able to defeat me!” he laughed.
“Try this then!” Inuyasha and I said in complete synchronization, “Wind Scar!” As the energy flowed out of our blades simultaneously, they formed and X pattern and carved straight through the core of Naraku. He seemed to practically explode, and pieces of himself fell to the ground.
“Well, I guess that’s the end of that demon.” I said, throwing my blade over my shoulder.
“Mike, watch out!” Inuyasha cried. When I turned to look, the ugly body of Naraku covered my body. It was slimy and crunchy, the most vile feeling I had ever felt.
I could hear his voice in my head. “Join my body half breed. Together, we can become the strongest being on the planet.”
I replied as nicely as I could. “GET YOUR DISGUSTING BODY OFF OF ME YOU BASTERD!!!” The DarkFire burst through my hand, exploding Naraku once more. The black flames were flowing over my body, almost like a barrier. Inuyasha and Kagome stared at me, amazed by my sheer force and power. I turned towards my foe, who was also staring at me, but he had evil in his eyes, not amazement.
I knew my abilities were increased at the moment, so I took this time to use both blades. I hacked and slashed, carving Naraku’s body up. When a claw came at me, it was in ten pieces. I tore through his body like a mole in the ground. That’s when I heard Inuyasha fighting. As I whipped around, I realized I was taking on half of Naraku: The half that wasn’t fighting back. When I went to help, claws grabbed all of my limbs and held me steady. Kagome readied and arrow, but was seized as well, crying out Inuyasha’s name.
“Kagome!” he shouted, getting ready to attack Naraku.
“Not so fast Inuyasha.” Naraku said. A sharp claw was up against Kagome’s throat. I growled and struggled to break free, but soon realized there too was a claw at my throat. “One move, and your friends are nothing more then dead weight.” he laughed. But what could he be planning?
“Let them go Naraku!” Inuyasha shouted. His eyes seemed to flash red for a moment before he threw a Wind Scar straight through Naraku.
“Alright then, you asked for it!” we both started to fall. I saw the sharp claw above Kagome rise, and I realized he was about to stab her. I snapped my right hand, and the claw exploded in black flames. I on the other hand was impaled straight through my stomach. It hurt, but not as much as it should have, thanks to me being a demon and all. Inuyasha tore straight into Naraku as Kagome rushed to my side.
“Mike, are you ok!?” she screamed at me as she knelt beside me.
“I’ve been better, but I’ll be fine.” I replied. I looked over to see Naraku’s body collapse on Inuyasha. I jumped up to help when miasma exploded from Naraku’s body. I grabbed Kagome and leaped out of the building. She screamed for Inuyasha, but I knew Inuyasha wanted her to be safe. When I landed we waited till the miasma cleared. Naraku had vanished, along with Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha! Inuyasha!” Kagome kept screaming. Suddenly the whole castle began to collapse.
“Kagome, we have to go, now!” I shouted, trying to drag her off.
“No, not without Inuyasha!” She said, trying to run away from me. I snatched her up and threw her over my shoulder. She kicked and screamed, but I kept running out of the palace. The moment I got to safety, the whole place caved in. I managed to regroup with Sango, Miroku, and Koga.
“Where’s Inuyasha?” Miroku asked. I shook my head. I couldn’t bring myself to say that he was gone. Kagome just kept muttering “Naraku…”
“Did he…take him?” Sango said, stunned by the event. I managed to mutter out “Yeah…he did.”
“Damnit dog boy, getting yourself kidnapped.” Koga said slamming his fist against the cliff side. I heard something screaming, though it was very faint. I told everyone to shush. I heard it from the right, back in the ruins of the palace. We all took off after it except for Kagome, she just knelt on the ground sobbing. I found the source of the scream: a small mushroom with eyes on the ground.
“What…is this?” I said, picking it up.
“It’s one of Shippo’s tricks, he must be leading us to Naraku!” Sango cried with joy. There was still hope. I looked backwards to see Kagome walking up to me, holding her bow and three arrows.
“Let’s go.” she said looking up, the fire in her eyes burning brighter than anyone I knew. I nodded, and we walked to where we could find Hachi. He had flown to the bottom of the mountain, and when Miroku grabbed his shoulder, he flipped out screaming “YAAA NARAKU HAS ME!!! HELP MASTER MIROKU HELP!!!” I laughed at him for a while. We headed off, the sunrise taking my breath away. The use of my demonic sense of hearing was coming to full view. I could hear for a solid mile. We followed a long trail of the screams until they stopped.
“Mike, where’s the next one?” Miroku asked. I listened for a long time. There was no sound at all.
“I…I can’t hear them…they stopped.” I said as fear sank into my heart.
“No,” Sango said, “what if Shippo…” things were silent for a while. That’s when an arrow pierced straight through my stomach. As I grasped the wound, I turned to see Kagome holding her bow as if she just fired.
“Kagome…why?” I said, gripping the arrow in my stomach.
“It’s your fault…ever since we met you, nothing but bad things have happened…it’s because of you Inuyasha’s gone!” She went to fire another arrow but Miroku and Sango stopped her. I pulled the arrow out of me, the blood on it showing how hurt I was. It had gone straight through me, but I would survive. What really hurt was my heart from what Kagome had said to me. I thought I saw Shippo on the ground, so I told Hachi to land.
When we touched down, it turned out Shippo was there, beat up, but alive. It took a few hours for him to gain consciousness, but when he did, we were all relieved. He didn’t say much, but a nice soak in some nearby hot springs rejuvenated him.
“Shippo, what happened with Naraku and Inuyasha?” I asked.
“Naraku…Inuyasha was a complete demon for a while,” he spoke weakly, “Naraku too that chance, and took over his body.” We all gasped. So Inuyasha was gone then. “I’m…I’m sorry Kagome.” I looked at Kagome, her hair covering her eyes. Her fists were clenched and she was shaking. We needed to take action soon, before Kagome turned into a demon.
“Alright, Shippo, you go with Sango. Kagome, you come with Miroku and I. We’re going to find Naraku and beat Inuyasha out of him.” Kagome looked up at me with sadness in her eyes. “I have an idea,” I said softly, putting my hands on her shoulders, “Just trust me, ok?” She nodded.
Sango and Shippo jumped on Kirara while Miroku, Kagome, and I rode Hachi. Koga was going to search for Inuyasha on the ground with the wolf tribe, and sped off towards the mountains. We were flying quite quickly.
“Do you think we can save Inuyasha master?” Hachi asked.
“Sure we will Hachi,” he said before turning to me, “sure we will.” There was a lot of pressure on me. I figured if I could free my mother’s soul for a moment in my world, that if I combined my power with one of Kagome’s sacred arrows, we could free Inuyasha from Naraku. First, we’d need to lure him out. We flew to an open plain and I leaped off of Hachi with the Sacred Jewel.
“He’ll come, I’m sure of it.” Kagome told me.
“Good, now you guys get out of here,” I told them, “I can’t fight worrying about your lives on the line.”
Miroku sighed. “It seems he’s become more like Inuyasha now.” I growled as they flew away. I sat in the middle of the plain and waited, the Shikon Jewel around my neck. To a demon, it was like the Philosopher’s Stone to an alchemist, boosting all of my powers enormously. It was practically purified too, so all I had to do was keep it on me and not in the hands of Naraku. The wind whirled around me as I closed my eyes and concentrated on all of my other senses.
I heard it. The footsteps moving lightning fast towards me. I was sure it was Naraku. A quick sniff, and I smelled both Inuyasha and the miasma Naraku used. I waited for him to get in close, and at the last second, I drew my sword and blocked a strike from his. The face on Inuyasha struck fear into my heart. His eyes were red, his teeth were long, and he looked more bloodthirsty than a hellhound. I sliced him away as he spoke, the voice of Naraku’s echoing behind Inuyasha’s.
“Heh, pitiful fool,” he said, “hand over the jewel and I will end your life fast.”
“Is that how the compromise in the feudal era?” I said slinging my blade over my shoulder, “I gotta say, I’m not impressed. It should be more like this.” I aimed the tip of my blade directly at him. “Release Inuyasha now, or I will send you to the bowels of Hell.”
He laughed. The b*****d laughed right at me. “Alright then, let’s see how well you fight!” he dashed at me. Our blades parried each others, and we kept slicing for a solid ten minutes. I finally manage to knock him to the ground and put my sword to his head.
“Go on, think you can kill me?” he mocked, “Kill me, and Inuyasha will die as well. How do you think Kagome would feel about that?” I thought about Kagome. If only I could get Inuyasha out of Naraku myself I-
I wasn’t paying attention. Naraku knocked me off of him and tossed me through the air. I clapped my hands and hit the ground, creating a neat trick Ed told me he‘d done. Naraku walked up to me and laughed. “How does it feel to be killed by one of your old friends?”
“You seem to have forgotten about my other friends.” I said with a wide grin. He gave me an odd look, and I knew I had him hook, line, and sinker. Now to real him in. “Miroku, now!” I shouted. Naraku’s face changed to fear as he whipped around and saw a statue in the shadows of Miroku with his Wind Tunnel opened.
“Fools!” he shouted as he sliced the stone statue in two. As he turned I slugged him across the face and slashed his blade out of his hand. This time, it was my turn to laugh at him.
“How does it feel to be cornered by a mere half-demon?” I said, holding my blade to his stomach.
“A cornered beast can do incredible things.” he said looking at the ground. When he looked up at me, I saw he had changed. He was now a full demon. He knocked my blade away before I could move and tore my chest open horizontally and diagonally. I hit the ground in pain but rolled to my feet in time to block more blows from his claws. He had become ten times stronger. I tried to use my Iron Reaver, but his normal claws deflected the blow. I couldn’t keep up with him, and before I knew it, his blade was in his hands, and mine was flying through the air along side me. I hit the ground as he leaped into the air, his blade ready to thrust through me. That’s when I noticed a smell similar to Inuyasha’s, except it seemed to be more demonic. But that would mean…
Suddenly there was a flash of purple as a blade smashed into Inuyasha’s from a man in white. My savior was the brother of my friend, Sesshomaru. His sheer force had send Naraku clean across the plain. As I leaped up he whipped around and held his blade to my throat.
“You…who are you?” he said coldly.
“Come on Sesshomaru, don’t tell me you forgot that little battle we had some time back.” I smiled, pushing his blade down. “I’m Mike…and that, would be Naraku who’s possessed your brother.” As he turned I stepped up next to him, drawing my blade from the ground.
“Release my brother now Naraku.” Sesshomaru demanded. Naraku just laughed as he sheathed his blade.
“So, two against one. Let’s make it more even, shall we? Kagura, Kanna, come to me!” Everything was still. A slight breeze crept through the plain, but there was no sign of them. “Fools, by betraying me like this, it will cost you your life.” he pulled out a small orb, but Sesshomaru whipped it out of his hand with some sort of light whip. I rolled across the ground and scooped it up. Just holding the small orb, I could feel it throbbing slightly, almost like a heartbeat.
“And this is?” I said, tossing it up and down.
“That would be the heart of Kagura,” he said coldly, “if it is destroyed, so is she.” I nearly dropped it at the thought of holding a life in my hand. That was an opening which Naraku seized completely. He came straight for me with his claws, but met the blade of Sesshomaru. I swung at him, but he caught my blade and slung me to the side, going for Sesshomaru. They traded blows, when I caught a glimpse of blood, and suddenly Sesshomaru’s chest was turning red. He had been cut by the claws of a demon without fear of death. But, if I could seize Naraku while he was preoccupied, I could hold him till Kagome got back.
I ran forward at full speed. I got right behind Naraku and shoved my arms under his, holding him in a lock that was impossible to break out of. I thought Sesshomaru would kill him, but instead he put his blade away. I guess he really did care for his brother.
“Fool, do you not know who I am?” Naraku said. Suddenly, there was a throbbing pain in my torso. I was pulled away by insect legs, legs that had pierced my whole chest. I was thrown into the air and smashed into the ground. I felt my heart slow, and as I clutched Kagura’s heart in my hand, everything went black.
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DarkFire Alchemist's log book.
This is the documents of my life. This is how I live, what I learn...and what I'll do to protect the ones I care for.
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The cold silence of space only punctuates the feeling of death that emanates from this virtuously lifeless planet.
Only one thing is alive and well here...evil. And it must be destroyed, decimated, exterminated.
But first, it must be found...
The cold silence of space only punctuates the feeling of death that emanates from this virtuously lifeless planet.
Only one thing is alive and well here...evil. And it must be destroyed, decimated, exterminated.
But first, it must be found...