Saito was going through all the walls, running like mad. He could here the many footsteps of his competitors, but he didn't care, since they seemed still pretty far from him.
Finally, he had made it to the boys dorms, where he signed in, glad to know that he was the first name on the list to ever sign in. He was trying to catch his breath after running for that fast, but he still had one extra trick up his sleeve. He pushed a small sofa, which was conveniently near by, towards the entrance doors to the boys dorms. He stopped when the sofa touched the doors, knowing very well that it would block whoever would want to get in (which was practically every guy who was racing with him). Saito smiled as he thought of what a big riot it would make, and how much he wouldn't care because he would be sound asleep in his room.
As he walked towards Dorm No. 6, a new thought came up to him. 'Where the hell is James?' he pondered. 'Hopefully he'll find a way to get in the dorms without getting pissed at me.' His best friend was always the one who was by his side whenever there were rules to be broken. But today, Saito hadn't seen his partner in crime at all. Wondering where he could have been, Saito stepped into his dorm and shut the door behind him, heading for the bed for a nice little nap.