I am really home.
I wasn't here all day. I actually have had a life this past week. My friends have been in town or I have been out to see them. My mom wanted me home at least one night this week. I don't really care. I wanted to be at my friends house watching cable, playing Rockband, talking with my second family and my friends in that neighborhood. Things i don't have in my house or neighborhood. sweatdrop
I am going to be absent from gaia again most of the day tomorrow too. I know I have said that I don't have a life but I guess I do. That and seeing my seme has cheered up. When ever I see her I always cheer up then get depressed the week after razz Meh. It always happens and my other friends just leave it so, they don't really help. I got to do things. Go Durem Team!! We rock!! And we are so going to beat Barton...in the end!!
My Mood: satisfied