Lately my summer's been all right I guess.
On Friday, the 25th, I went to a fair with my friends Heather and Meghan. Heather brought her friend Becky along she was very nice. The fair was pretty fun actually. We didn't go on any rides though, and I didn't eat anything. The fair was in a shopping center. The parking lot was the parking, and the actual fair was on the side of the shopping center in a field. Becky's sister came too. Anyways to get to the main events of the fair, let's just say there was pot, water balloons, and rude boys. ._.'
What happened is that Becky's sister's friends did pot which isn't too bad as long as I don't get involved.
Then Heather's brother called since he works at the Apple Bees in the plaza and asked for some Funnel Cake. So then we had to buy the Funnel Cake and walk all the way to Apple Bees on the sidewalk. But something awkward happened along the way... As we were walking some creepy girl appeared out of no where and passed us D: So Meghan and I were like laughing and also creeped out. xD
As we were walking and almost there some car drove by us and then they stepped on the gas really fast and the guys inside of the car started laughing because we screamed x_x Then after that some black car drove by and threw water balloons at us. D: Thank god I didn't get hit with one since I was wearing a white shirt. ._.'
Then my friends dropped the Funnel Cake on the ground and went behind, in the back of Apple Bees. Heather, Becky and her sister were pissed, I was laughing- like I usually do at stupid things, and Meghan was scared. A car, this time white, came near us and threw water balloons at us AGAIN and Becky ran after the car screaming "YOU ******** BITCHES!!!!" XD Then we went into Apple Bees and told Heather's brother and his response was the following:
"Well... can you buy me another Funnel Cake...? ._.;"
So then we had to go all the way back and buy another one D:< But this time Meghan and I didn't go because Meghan was scared a little and I felt bad since the only one she knew was me since she's from my old school.
At the fair other weird stuff happened to us too. For example, almost every guy kept whistling at us, these sluts from my old school were dancing on a pole on a tent ._.', Meghan and I walked passed these 2 guys and they pointed at me saying I was hot, and some random creepy guy accidentally screamed in our ear saying "Wake up" x_x;
Yeah... It was.... Odd. D:
Other than that, I'm going to camp soon in about a week. I'm so nervous DDD:
Also, there's these really cool shoes from the 80s called Reboks (I think) and I want them really badly so bad I'd like do anything for them D: They finally got back in style and they're in Journeys. So my mom said when I come back from summer camp she might buy them for me =w=
The things that suck so far is that my mom can't pay the bill since we're low on money since my mom paid for my summer camp that's 3k ._.' So now our T.V. doesn't work and we're running low on heat for water and stuff so we have to be careful... I can live without T.V. though, I only watch it on Saturdays anyways :
Well, sorry for the long journal.
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