So last night I got a helix piercing on each of my ears. It did hurt more then the lobe piercing I got a few weeks ago (I got second holes on my lobe), but afterwards it was not as sore. However I found out that it takes months to heal. I am still not sure how to take care of it becuase the girl didn't tell me, I read online you were suppose to submurge the piercing in salt warm salt water for a few minutes twice a day. I have been using bactine though I hope that is alright. Also I got studs in it opposed to the traditional captive ring you are suppose to get, I had no idea you were suppose to use a ring to get it the first time and the girl that did my piercings didn't even tell my this. I am going to get captive rings tomorrow and my friend is going to help me carefully swtich them out. I hope it heals the right way. Learn from my mistake and go to a pro's shop always.